Denne side indeholder blandet links, der har været bragt under NYT.
Danmark: Hvidvasksekretariatet& Sporingsgruppen– Danmarks finansielle efterretnings- og efterforskningsenhedårsberetning2011
Rapport om menneskehandel og menneskesmugling Rapporten beskriver hvidvask i relation til de to udbredte former for alvorlig organiseret kriminalitet omhandlende menneskehandel og menneskesmugling. Denne kriminalitet omfatter transport og husning af mennesker ved anvendelse af tvang eller lignende med henblik på udnyttelse af disse mennesker til prostitution, tvangsarbejde, slaveri eller lignende, samt organiseret ulovlige transporter af indvandrere over landegrænser, typisk med henblik på illegalt arbejde i det pågældende land.
Money Laundering Risks Arising fromTrafficking in Human Beingsand Smuggling of MigrantsJuly 2011
"Case Study 7 Trafficking for sexual exploitation – Hawala system – Nigerian "Madam" – cash courier Two Nigerian citizens were indicted for money laundering among other things. From 2006 to 2008, they handled 1 263 000 EUR stemmed from the proceeds of criminal acts.
They operated a hawala business. They received the money in cash from various locations in Oslo. The following day, the money could be picked up in Nigeria. The system was based on advance payment and trust and customers were required to pay a transaction fee of 10%. They used Euros in money transactions.
One of the defendants, living in Denmark, picked up the money in Oslo every four or six weeks (a maximum of 20 000 EUR at a time) and transported it to Nigeria (cash courier). Most of the Nigerian prostitution organisation used this system to send money.
A large part of this money represented repayment of debts. In addition, money was sent to the families of the prostitutes in contravention of the ban imposed by the “Madam” and the criminals behind.
In court, it was found that all the prostitutes who used this hawala network were the victims of trafficking.
The evidence produced consisted in seized lists of money transfers. The convicted people were linked to the accounts through fingerprints and the fact that prostitutes recognised them on photographs.
The principle of the hawala system unfortunately means no particular indicator for reporting entities but this ML technique and the issue of the Nigerian “Madames”, which is a typical trend in the trafficking for sexual purposes that can be found in several countries, deserved to be illustrated."
Danmark: Hvidvask i Danmark. Den nationalerisikovurdering2015
"Forbruget af illegale stoffer i den danske befolkning er stagnerende til svagt faldende - dog på et relativt højt niveau sammenlignet med resten af Europa. Det relativt høje forbrug samt høje salgspriser betyder dog fortsat, at narkotikamarkedet vil udgøre en ikke ubetydelig indtægtskilde for organiserede kriminelle aktører. Det samme vil markedet for ulovlige kopiprodukter – såkaldt IPR-kriminalitet – samt i mindre omfang udbytte fra menneskehandel, prostitution og organiseret berigelseskriminalitet."
New Zealand: Ref: Petition 2011/60 of Elizabeth Subritzky and 2910 and others. (Part 1) af Freedom from Sexual Exploitation director Elizabeth Subritzky
New Zealand: Petition 2011/60 of Elizabe th Subritzky and 2919 others. PART 2 Addendums
NZ. Young Pacific Island girls working as prostitutes in New Zealand. "Pacific Island girls as young as 13 are working as prostitutes on the streets of South Auckland, according to a member of Parliament in New Zealand. New Zealand First Party MP Le'aufa'amulia Asenati Lole Taylor has told Radio Australia's Pacific Beat the problem is that many Pacific Island girls are finding the sex trade more lucrative than school or a regular job. "A13 year old was telling me she was earning between $600-$800 dollars a night," Ms Taylor said."
Dehumanising sex workers: what’s ‘prostitute’ got to do with it?. Mord på australske prostituerede. Artiklen har mere travlt med at brokke sig over betegnelsen prostitueret end at forholde sig til, at det formentligt var en kunde, der myrdede kvinden.
The invisible men fra PunterNet. Engelske sexkøberes anmeldelser af de kvinder, de køber sex af.
Bordelproblemer i New Zealand: "Brothels upset Epsom neighbours. "We pay a premium in rent because this was supposed to be a prime Auckland suburb, but it's really becoming a pain living here when you get strangers knocking at your door asking if this is where they can buy sex.""
Nigeria: Forbud mod købesex kan hindre trafficking. "Criminalisation of commercial sex can end human trafficking – NAPTIP. "“Nigeria is a transit, a source and a destination country. Unfortunately, that is the tag we have to live with presently because of this particular scourge. It is a clear and present danger and it requires the intervention of all sectors of not just governmental but also the private sector and families. “What we are asking is that the least we can do is to criminalise the purchase of sex because prostitution is a function of demand, if nobody is buying definitely nobody will sell."
Norge: Lova gjev færre sexkjøp - Sexkjøpslova har vore effektiv, førebyggjande mot brotsverk og eit våpen mot menneskehandel. Slik oppsummerer kriminalinspektør Simon Häggström ved Stockholmpolitiet si prostitusjonsgruppe dei 13 åra som Sverige har hatt sexkjøpslova..
Fra debatnøde arrangeret af Likestillings- og diskrimineringsombudet i Oslo d 28. aug 2013. Talr ved mødet er bla. kriminalinspektør Simon Häggström prostitutionsgruppen ved politiet i Stockholm. Hans oplæg om den svenske sexkøbslov starter ca 9 min inde i videoen.
Tyskland: Sex unter Tränen
Die Kripo beobachtet, dass immer mehr Freier die Prostituierten unwürdig behandeln. Ist die Werbung im Internet daran schuld, die Frauen wie Ware anpreist?
"Bei der AugsburgerKriminalpolizeikennt man Fälle wie diesen. „Es ist erschreckend, wie Prostituierte auch in den Augen der Freier immer mehr zur Ware werden“, sagt Helmut Sporer, Chef des Kommissariats 1 bei der Kripo. „Man kauft sich eine Frau und meint, alles mit ihr machen zu können.“ Der Polizist erkennt einen Trend, der ihm Sorgen bereitet: Der Respekt gegenüber den Prostituierten sinke seit Jahren. Zudem beobachten die Rotlichtermittler, dass die Freier in den Bordellen häufiger entwürdigende Sexualpraktiken einfordern....
Sex unter Tränen - weiter lesen auf Augsburger-Allgemeine:"
Bad men in Paradise - billeder og artikel om mænds køb af sex i Thailand af Bettina Flitner.
Tyskland: Tyske prostitutionskunders vurdering af de kvinder, de køber sex af.
Ændringer af den tyske prostitutionslovgivning.
Sverige: The scars of prostitution.
A socialist perspective on the sex industry & prostitution. Laura Fitzgerald.
Expert backs criminalisation of buying sex
Hawaii: Hawaii Lawmakers Pass Four Anti-Slavery Bills
"“Though it may sound callous to the casual ear, sex-trafficking is a business, albeit an illicit one, that operates on the principles of free enterprise,” said IMUAlliance legislative director Kris Coffield. “One of the most effective means of stifling exploitation, then, is to target the johns who subsidize the commercial sex trade by increasing the penalties associated with paying for sex, thereby hiking the opportunity cost of soliciting prostitution.”
“Hawaii comes several steps closer to effectively addressing the exploitation of children and the ending of the demand for prostitution and sex-trafficking.” said Kathryn Xian, Executive Director of the Pacific Alliance to Stop Slavery. “We are intensely committed to creating the important policy changes that will ensure the safety of Hawaii’s keiki and abolish the trend of selling women and children for money. These crimes have no place in these islands and are diametrically opposed not only to the Hawaiian culture but to healthy living for all.”"
New Zealand: Illegal brothels shut in crackdown
New Zealand: Sex workers 'shouldn't be exempt from rules'
Australia: Legal brothels and the failures of regulation
Klumme skrevet af Tanja Rahm i Danner Magasinet. "Er prostitution seksuelt frigørende?
Prostitutionsdebatten raser igen. Og man skal høre meget, før ørerne falder af. Det tåbeligste, jeg har læst, er, at prostitution er seksuelt frigørende."
Does Brooke Magnanti understand statistics? " af Anti-Porn Feminists
Pro-Sex, Anti-Porn: The Blog of Anti-Porn London
Review reveals shocking details on prostitution.
Prostitution in Amsterdam: The Dark Side of the Amsterdam Red Light District
The Invisible Man. af Angel K. - Surviving prostitution and addiction.
Moves to tackle sexual exploitation of young girls in NZ, Fiji and PNG.
New Zealand bans foreign students from prostitution
Why the game’s up for Sweden's sex trade.
Ten Reasons for Not Legalizing Prostitution And a Legal Response to the Demand for Prostitution
Om menneskehandel om det voksende antal bordeller i Nordjylland.
TV 2 Nord med en uges fokus på prostitution i Nordjylland.
MP Asenati Lole-Taylors tale i det New Zealandske parlament 27. marts 2013 om prostitution.
The Pimps Are Wading in Champagne
Fra University of Otago, New Zealand. Having multiple sex partners linked to later drug and alcohol problems
Brothel owners say police sex unit shooting blanks
Is it really an ‘affront to human dignity’ to promote exiting among women involved in prostitution?
Amsterdam to raise legal age for prostitutes to 21, close sex windows in early morning hours.
Journalisten: Medieordfører: Ekstra Bladet bør droppe massageannoncer
Radio New Zealand : Demand to ban prostitutes from streets.
Nanna Gersov på F Frekvensen Går regeringen sexbranchens ærindei lovrevision om seksualforbrydelser?
Kajsa Ekis Ekman i et interview til EMMA. Prostitution in Germany: hard facts, hard debate, harder thoughts
Immigrant Council of Ireland:
Swedish Police Trafficking in human beings for sexual and other purposes RPS report 2011.
JP-fond hjælper prostituerede med »beskidte penge«
DR’s dramaserie ’Borgen’ – FUP ELLER FAKTA? DR’s dramaserie ’Borgen’ er fiktion. Men serien foregiver at være så virkelighedsnær som muligt. Burde man så ikke kunne forvente, at størstedelen af de faktuelle oplysninger stemte? Jo. Det gør de ikke i ’Borgens’ afsnit om prostitution. Langtfra, endda. Her er 8. marts-initiativets FUP eller FAKTA-liste om ’Borgens’ formidling af prostitutionstemaet.
Winds of accountability: Buy sex and go to jail under new proposed amendment to Trafficking Act Read more at:
Why even Amsterdam doesn’t want legal brothels
Konference i Miami hvor Catharine Mackinnon og Gail Dines begge er talere. Der kommer først et reklamespot før selve konferencevideoen starter. Mackinnons tale starter ca 09:35 og Dines 01.15.00
Frontfigur också i styrelse för strippklubb.
"Our Great Hobby" An Analysis of Online Networks for Buyers of Sex in Illinois.
En helt ny undersøgelse af sexkunderne, udgivet af Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation.
Advokaten 7. Menneskehandler eller bare handlet?
Anonym tidligere prostitueret på Scottish Coalition Against Sexual Exploitation (SCASE)
"The idea that punters have respect for working girls is a laugh. The way they weigh us up, pick us for whatever turns them on, make us line up and have to act like we want them to have sex with us. Its a joke. Its worse than a joke actually – its a complete market place. How does this make men look at women in a good way? We are just like another item on an Amazon wish list to be ticked off when they have had sex with us. Paid for sex that is. These men do not respect or even like us all that much but we have to act like they are the most sexy and attractive men ever. "
Locations - områder i USA, hvor man decideret går efter kunderne i stedet for de prostituerede.
'Mega brothel' has industry support.
The Red Light Report Towards A Human Rights Approach To Prostitution In Australia
Tania Fiolleau: Ex-madam says happy hookers don't exist.
Pressemeddelelse EWL: "200 civil society organisations launch European debate on the abolition of prostitution"
den svenske rapport om menneskehandel 2011.
Safety in the Sex Industry. Undersøgelse fra 2003, der sætter spørgsmålstegn ved begrebet 'sikker sex' ved brug af kondomer.
9. Conclusion
The sex industry is one marked by a high level of inherent harm that has remained despite
efforts to legalise the trade. "
Netherlands: Many Chinese massage parlours are a front for prostitution
Operation Sneep: "The frayed edges of licensed prostitution.
Sex slave traffickers are profiting from misery of sauna girls.
Europe's biggest brothel – complete with coach parking – to open in Austria.
Putting the brakes on the legalization of prostitution. "
“Inquiry into the Exploitation of Women through Trafficking”. Exodus Cry om situationen i Australien, særligt NSW og Victoria.
Extensive human trafficking ring cracked.
Prostitution en Suisse, les cantons veulent dialoguer. Lidt om situationen i Schweiz, der har legal prostitution.
"“Society tends to blame sex workers for the spread of STD but our survey shows that they are the victims. It’s the clients that are to blame,” she stressed. Authorities should pay more attention to educating clients on the true danger of unprotected sex, the scholar added."
"But the most dramatic finding of the survey was the widespread prevalence of sexual violence in the industry.
More than 40 percent of Chinese prostitutes said they were forced to have sex with clients. Almost half (46.4 percent) have experienced verbal violence and 17 percent suffered serious physical violence.
“Some are severely abused as the clients think there is no punishment,” Choi bemoaned. In most cases the cases of assault or rape are not reported because the women – all in Macau on two-week tourist visas – are aware that they are working illegally."
The mental health of female sex workers -
Schweizisk undersøgelse fra 2010 af 193 prostituerede.
"Results: The 193 interviewed female sex workers displayed high rates of mental disorders. These mental disorders were related to violence and the subjectively perceived burden of sex work. Conclusion: Sex work is a major public health problem. It has many faces, but ill mental health of sex workers is primarily related to different forms of violence."
Bagmænd får millioner: Piger i Odense sælger sig selv.
EkstraBladet annoncerer for menneskehandlere og alfonser
"Ekstra Bladet har bragt annoncer for næsten 75 procent af de bordeller, hvor en bagmand i dag er sigtet, tiltalt eller dømt for rufferi eller menneskehandel. Ekspert i strafferet mener, at retspraksis bør ændres, så medier kan straffes for annoncerne."
Efterveerne af en Borderline-struktur. Tanja Rahms hudløse ærlige og meget barske fortælling om hvordan hun kom ind i prostitution.
Brothel bribes confront council officers.
Opfer von Kinderprostitution werden immer jüngerVergessen und missbraucht:
Rapporten "Udenlandske kvinder i prostitution i Danmark - Migrantprostituerede og ofre for menneskehandel " udgivet af Center Mod Menneskehandel.
»Du skal være taknemmelig for, at jeg spreder mine ben, så du kan gå til fodbold«
"Den glorificering, der har været af prostitution, er så langt ude og på grænsen til det kvalmende. Tænk, at man stiller det op i de ’lykkelige’ og ’ulykkelige’ prostituerede, det er så snæversynet, utilstrækkeligt og moralsk forkasteligt for os, der har været en del af det. "
Sex unter Tränen - weiter lesen auf Augsburger-Allgemeine:"
Tyskland: Alle drei Minuten wird in Deutschland eine Frau vergewaltigt. Weniger als ein Prozent der Täter wird verurteilt."Glauben Sie, dass in Deutschland das Recht des Stärkeren zählt? Oder vertrauen Sie darauf, dass Verbrechen bestraft und Betroffene unterstützt werden?Julia glaubte daran – bis zu dem Tag, an dem sie von ihrem Cousin vergewaltigt wurde. Die Vergewaltigung war das schrecklichste Erlebnis in ihrem Leben, doch auch in der Zeit danach ging sie durch die Hölle: Ihre FreundInnen mieden sie. Ihre Familie wollte eine Anzeige verhindern. Die Polizei verhörte sie stundenlang. Und schließlich wurde das Verfahren gegen ihren Cousin aus Mangel an Beweisen eingestellt.
Für vergewaltigte Frauen gibt es in unserem Land selten Gerechtigkeit. Nur die wenigsten betroffenen Frauen erstatten überhaupt Anzeige – aus Angst vor dem Täter, dem Prozess oder aus Scham vor FreundInnen und Familie. Doch auch aufgrund des Wissens, dass bei einer Anzeige selten Recht gesprochen wird: Nur etwa jeder achte Sexualtäter wird verurteilt. Kaum ein Verbrechen wird seltener bestraft als Vergewaltigung!"
New Zealand: New Zealand Parliament 5. september 2013, 2. Police—Reports on Street Prostitution in South Auckland"2. Le’aufa’amulia ASENATI LOLE-TAYLOR (NZ First) to the Minister of Police: What reports, if any, has she received from the Police concerning public harassment and intimidation from street prostitutes and their clients in South Auckland?Hon ANNE TOLLEY (Minister of Police): I have not received any specific reports from police about public harassment and intimidation from street prostitutes and their clients in South Auckland. I have, however, received two reports regarding the Manukau City Council (Regulation of Prostitution in Specified Places) Bill, and both of these reports contain some comment on streetbased sex workers in Auckland.
Le’aufa’amulia Asenati Lole-Taylor: What does she have to say to parents in South Auckland who every day have to walk their children to school in order to protect them from street prostitutes, their pimps, and their clients?
Hon ANNE TOLLEY: I am aware of considerable concerns from the community around streetbased prostitution in some areas of South Auckland, and it is quite right that people should feel free
to walk on the streets and walk their children to school. However, street-based prostitution is not illegal. The police do actively patrol known trouble spots and they do work to diffuse any antisocial behaviour. But, look, if any member of the public feels that they are being harassed or intimidated, they should report that to the police, and I would expect that the police would take some action.
Le’aufa’amulia Asenati Lole-Taylor: Does the Minister think that it is concerning that there is such a high demand for very young girls to work as street prostitutes and that pimps are actively recruiting schoolchildren, some as young as 14 years old, and will she instruct the police to take action to prevent children in school uniforms on their way to and from school from being approached by men seeking to hire them for sexual favours; if not, why not?
Hon ANNE TOLLEY: First of all, I am unable to instruct the police, under the Policing Act 2008, but I am also aware that there have been concerns raised about under-age sex workers. The police, as I say, regularly patrol those hot spots. They have reported to me that they have found little evidence of under-age street sex workers, but if people do have evidence of that, they should make that available to the police. [Interruption]
Le’aufa’amulia Asenati Lole-Taylor: I have evidence, Maggie. I will table it soon.
Mr SPEAKER: Order! I have called the member to ask a supplementary question.
Le’aufa’amulia Asenati Lole-Taylor: What does she say to local residents who have said: “The freedom of the street sex trade has become so predominant that no local resident is immune from being approached or intimidated by street sex workers.”?
Hon ANNE TOLLEY: As I said earlier, I am aware that there is concern, and I would say that that member should encourage that member of the public to come forward to the police with the evidence, so that they can take some action.
Le’aufa’amulia Asenati Lole-Taylor: Would she feel harassed and intimidated if she was asked, while walking down the street, “How much for a blow job?”
New Zealand: Child sex workers 'not spotted by schools'"An Auckland social worker and researcher wants to know how schools fail to notice when children spend the day coming down off drugs, having spent the night selling their bodies as sex workers.
As part of a Masters of Social Work course at the University of Auckland, Natalie Thorburn interviewed 10 child prostitutes, aged between 12 and 16.
She said for most of the nine girls and one boy, home life was chaotic and their parents were often battling mental health issues and drug addiction."
New Zealand: Claims of exploitation by police, social workersChild prostitutes have told an Auckland researcher they have been exploited by people who were meant to help them - including police.
New Zealand: Sex worker attacked. "Marlborough sex workers were shocked yesterday to discover the female victim of an attempted murder in Blenheim on Friday night was a colleague, saying they had not heard of the attack. Detective Senior Sergeant Ciaran Sloan, of Blenheim police, said yesterday a 38-year-old man was arrested in relation to the attack, which took place about 11.30pm. He said the incident involved a serious physical attack on a Blenheim woman who worked as a sex worker in Blenheim."
New Zealand: New Zealand Prostitution Law Review Committee - 8.2 The Nature of Street-Based Sex Work "The Salvation Army operates street vans and community services for street-based sex workers in Auckland, Manukau and Christchurch cities. The Salvation Army noted that the PRA has not reduced the number of people working on the street. The Salvation Army argues the number of sex workers on the streets has not reduced because the PRA has not improved or addressed the causal factors underlying prostitution (Salvation Army, 2007)."
Se også under siden 'New Zealand'
Holland: Amsterdam can continue reducing number of brothels. "Amsterdam city council can continue with its policy of reducing the number of brothel owners in its red light district, the government's highest advisory body, said on Wednesday."
Sverige: Slutredovisning av regeringens uppdrag till Rikspolisstyrelsen att förstärka insatserna mot prostitution och människohandel för sexuella ändamål 2008-2010 - læs slutsats. afsnit 9.
Danmark: ALFONSER HAR FRIT SPIL PÅ ASYLCENTRE. "Menneskehandlerne ringer til pigerne Politiet frygter, at det er de bagmænd, som bragte pigerne til Danmark, der står bag flugten, og den frygt er særdeles begrundet. Det kan 25-årige Rose, der er stukket af fra afrikanske menneskehandlere i København og nu lever under jorden, bekræfte. - Pigerne har mobiltelefoner, og deres bagmænd har helt sikkert ringet og truet dem til at stikke af, fortæller Rose, der selv har prøvet at modtage telefoniske trusler."
Danmark: MINDREÅRIGE SEXSLAVER FORSVUNDET. "En 15-årig afrikansk pige, som politiet i forrige uge fik væk fra gaden, og to andre mindreårige prostituerede er forsvundet fra Røde Kors’ asyllejr.. Hun fik mindre end fjorten dage i sikkerhed for sine bagmænd og mindre end fjorten dage uden sex med danske mænd med Lolita-fantasier. Den 15-årige nigerianske prostituerede, som Københavns Politi i forrige uge anholdt og vurderede som et sikkert offer for kvindehandel, kan nu igen være i kløerne på de bagmænd, der betragter hende som deres ejendom. Sammen med to andre mindreårige prostituerede er hun forsvundet fra den asyllejr, hun og de to piger opholdt sig i. Det bekræfter Hillerød Politi over for Nyhedsbrevet 3F.
Tyskland: Prostitutionsland Deutschland Willkommen im Paradies für Freier "Das Gesetz führe hierzulande mit einer steigenden Nachfrage zu einer Vergrößerung des Marktes, und damit steige auch die Nachfrage nach illegal eingeschleusten Prostituierten, so Christian Zahel. "Neun von zehn Huren werden zur Prostitution gezwungen", sagt der Leiter Organisierte Kriminalität im Landeskriminalamt Niedersachsen. Auch die Vorstellung, dass die Frauen aus dem Milieu in Scharen in die Sozialversicherungen strömen, erwies sich als lebensfremd. Bundesversicherungsanstalt und Krankenkassen berichten, dass die Anmeldungen von Prostituierten als Arbeitnehmerinnen "gegen null tendieren". Prostituierte sehen sich als Selbstständige, auch wenn sie im Bordell arbeiten. Es geht ihnen dabei wie vielen anderen Geringverdienern: Geld für die Altersvorsorge ist knapp."
Bad men in Paradise - billeder og artikel om mænds køb af sex i Thailand af Bettina Flitner.
Tyskland: „Das ist oft pure Gewalt“ "Da wird ein weiblicher Körper zur Verfügung gestellt, und der Freier tobt sich aus. Das ist nicht mehr Prostitution im herkömmlichen Sinne, sondern oft pure Gewalt, die da stattfindet. Viele junge Frauen sind daher traumatisiert bis in die Haarspitzen. Und weil es die Normalität ist, greift das neue Prostitutionsgesetz nicht – die Frauen können es gar nicht nutzen. Eine 18-jährige Analphabetin aus Osteuropa fordert ihre Rechte nicht ein. Sie nimmt stattdessen Drogen, Alkohol oder spaltet ihr Bewusstsein."
Victoria, Australia: 'Illegal worker' brothels targeted. "On Tuesday last week, the Australian Federal Police arrested five people who it alleged supplied more than 100 sex workers to the brothels illegally.
Tyskland: Tyske sexkunder - klik på billederne og læs deres kommentarer.
Engelsk version af Bettina Flitners billedserie af tyske sexkunder.
Tyskland: Deutschland, ein Freiermärchen. "Lieber bundesrepublikanischer Rechtsstaatslude, du bist bekanntermaßen schön, deine Landschaften typisch, deine liberalen Prostitutionsgesetze weltberühmt. Du legst Wert auf gepflegte Engstirnigkeit und Bigotterie. Das geht so weit, dass deine gewählten Volksvertreter und Volksvertreterinnen, die zu Teilen 2002 in Regierungsverantwortung standen und heute opponieren, sich einfach nicht eingestehen wollen, dass sie es vor nunmehr über zehn Jahren vollkommen verbockt haben. Dem hehren Anspruch, das Recht von Prostituierten auf Selbstbestimmung, berufliche Planbarkeit und Legalität zu befördern, stehen ganze Busladungen von inländischen wie ausländischen Freiern gegenüber, die sich zu Flatrate-Tarifen an Frauen verlustieren, von denen sie lediglich verlangen, dass sie sich ihnen aus „Naturgeilheit“ und permanenter sexueller Bereitschaft für ein paar Euro so hingeben wie keinem Mann zuvor."
Tyskland: Sabine Constabel, Sozialdienst für Prostituierte, Gesundheitsamt Stuttgart. "Jeden Tag kommen Frauen zu uns, die Alternativen zur Prostitution suchen. „Ich ganz kaputt“ und „gib mir Arbeit“ sind die Standardwünsche der Frauen. Manche Frauen betteln geradezu um Hilfe. Sie erzählen, dass sie die Schmerzen beim Verkehr nicht mehr aushalten, dass nicht mehr schlafen können, dass sie Alpträume haben, dass sie an Selbstmord denken. Wir haben Frauen, die wenn sie für einige Tage im Heimatland waren, mit Tüten voller Schmerzmittel und Psychopharmaka wiederkommen."
Tyskland: Despite Legalization, Prostitutes In Germany Face Exploitation And Trafficking; Laws Intended To Improve Conditions May Actually Help Brothels. "Many of the brothel owners have working relations with the German police, the article says, so the industry operates under an ongoing fiction. Crimes and mistreatment are passed along under the guise of employment opportunities and safety. Brothel owners know when police raids will occur, the very reason Alina says she feared going to the police for help. Now 11 years since prostitution was legalized in Germany, parties in the German government are rallying for reform, particularly in reference to the custom of flat-rate services. Thekla Walker, the Green Party chair in her home state of Stuttgart, introduced a motion last month regarding regulating prostitution. "
Tyskland: Das Prostitutionsgesetz Analyse von Intention und Auswirkungen. 2008
Legalizing prostitution increases human trafficking.
"The theory that legalizing prostitution reduces human trafficking proposes that with no fear of arrest, customers would always choose legal prostitutes, which would end the demand for the trafficked individuals. It sounds like a plausible theory; however, several studies and a few countries have found this not to be the case. Many studies performed by various organizations and governments have shown that legalizing prostitution has increased the influx of human trafficking. One researcher, Eric Neumayer, suggests it may be difficult for customers to distinguish legalized from trafficked prostitution. A second researcher, Donna M. Hughes, determined that legalizing prostitution increases demand for prostitutes which then increases the need for trafficked prostitutes."
Danske ludere presset ud af Vesterbro Østeuropæere og afrikanere har delt gadeprostitutionen i København mellem sig. Danske prostituerede er efterhånden presset væk af konkurrenter, der dumper priserne. "- De østeuropæiske prostituerede har dumpet priserne, så et samleje koster 300 kr. Rumænerne dominerer ret kraftigt, men der er også kvinder fra Litauen og Ukraine, siger politikommissær Carsten Ahrends. Politiet siger, at bagmændene til de østeuropæiske og de afrikanske prostituerede har delt byen mellem sig. - Vi kan se, at de har indgået en aftale. Rumænerne arbejder i dagtimerne og afrikanerne om aftenen og natten, siger Carsten Ahrends."
Tyskland: Germany Lags Behind In Protection Of Forced Prostitutes.
"Some 10,000 foreign women in Germany are forced into prostitution. German law threatens them with deportation. That only plays into the hands of pimps and human traffickers, say women's rights organizations. "The girls are controlled around the clock," says Gerlinde Matusch. "In some cases the girls didn't leave their rooms for two or three consecutive years. During the day, they had to serve the men in their rooms, and in the evenings they would be taken to brothels, or to private individuals.""
Houses of the Oireachtas Joint Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality Report on hearings and submissions on the Review of Legislation on Prostitution June 2013
"A member of the delegation, Senator Katherine Zappone, made the following observations: The size of the industry is dramatically less in Sweden in comparison to other European countries and this has been verified by the all European and international experts. Critics maintain that there is no evidence that this is a result of the law but there is no other determining factor in comparative studies to similar countries such as Denmark."
Danmark: DR Nyheder svarer på kritik i Omo-sag.
""Byretten forholder sig til hvorvidt bevisbyrden ift. til tiltalen for menneskehandel kan løftes. Det kunne den ikke, og derfor blev en i stedet dømt for rufferi. Hvilket ifølge jurister og eksperter er normalt i den type sager. · Den myndighedsinstans i Danmark, der træffer gældende juridisk beslutning om, hvorvidt en kvinde kan betegnes som handlet eller ej, med henblik på at opnå asyl, er Flygtningenævnet og Flygtningeankenævnet. · Nævnet har i to tilfælde i , senest i april 2013, anerkendt Omo Amenagawons, som handlet. "
Sex Trade on Streets: New Zealand Urged to Address Rampant Street Prostitution.
"Street prostitutes have been accused of thrashing and vandalising the neighbourhood and having sex in public. Some businesses have closed because of prostitution in nearby areas. "
Irland: Oireachtas committee wants buying of sex to be made a crime.
"The committee’s recommendation to criminalise the buyer is in line with the Swedish model, which most submissions called for, including groups attached to the Turn Off the Red Light campaign. "
Tyskland: Die Situation der Prostituierten im internationalen Menschenhandel" Vortrag in Donezk 2008 Von Klaus Bayerl, leiter der Kriminalpolizei Augsburg.
Australien: Sex workers need better protection against violent clients We cannot address men's violence against women in Australia if we ignore violence in the sex industry. "You have to become accustomed to being humiliated every day [whether it’s] throwing a sarcastic comment or being really nasty”, ‘Laura’ told Kate. “I would get guys that were really, really rough. They would only be that rough if they were raping [someone]”. The women were constantly aware that clients treated them worse than they would have treated any other women. “Jo” reportedly told one man, “I’m not a doll, I’m a human being. You need to treat me better.” His response? “If you’re a human being, then why are you doing this?”"
Irland: "Gardai bust 86 in undercover vice operation". "The operation involves a two-pronged approach. Gardai work to ensure that the men soliciting the sexual favours are brought in front of the courts. Vulnerable "But officers also work to assist the women involved in street prostitution in availing of the services offered by the likes of Ruhama and Chrysalis." Supt Ward said that, while the individual fines may be seen as small, the conviction for illegally soliciting sex "stays with you for ever".
Holland: Forced prostitution shifts to unsold homes in residential areas
The girls are getting younger, particularly in the illegal sector,' he said. ‘We also came across pimps we have identified earlier in connection with people trafficking investigations.'In one particularly shocking case, a 16-year-old Romanian girl was found in a house in Voorthuizen. She was living in a sublet flat and forced into prostitution. Four arrests were made in that home, Bik said.
“Demand and supply, a chain leading to trafficking,” says UN independent expert in new report. " “Demands for sexual exploitation, cheap labour and domestic workers, organ removal, illicit adoption and forced marriages, begging or exploitation by armed groups all fuel human trafficking,” the United Nations Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, Joy Ngozi Ezeilo, said in a special report* to the UN Human Rights Council. “However,” the human rights expert underscored, “the demand side should not be understood merely as the demand for sexual, labour or other services of victims of trafficking, but rather more broadly, as an act that fosters any form of exploitation that, in turn, leads to trafficking.”
Tyskland: 'I come to Germany for prostitutes - it's like Aldi'.
'Women have become objects for me' Yet he admitted his use of prostitutes had ruined his view of women in general. “I no longer see women for what they are," he said. "I've slept with so many that they're objects to me.”
KORTLÆGNING AF PROSTITUTIONSEFTERSPØRGSLEN.Ministeriet for Ligestilling og KirkeRambøll 2013.
The Law and Economics of International Sex Slavery: Prostitution Laws and Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation Niklas Jakobsson, Andreas KotsadamJune 2010 (revised 2013)
Die große Puff-Lüge.
Aus Japan, den USA und Arabien reisen Männer mittlerweile nach Deutschland, ins Bordell Europas. Wie schlimm es um die Sexindustrie hierzulande tatsächlich steht, beleuchtet ein großartiger Film im Ersten. Ohne Pathos und ohne Anklage zeigt er eine Welt, die sich eine Gesellschaft nicht wünschen kann.
A Radical ProFeminist! "Good for Thierry that HE feels fine about prostitution. HE isn't part of the population of people who most suffer from prostitution: poor women and children who are disproportionately Asian and otherwise of color, and who are not in view of or known by him. I'm so fucking sick of white class- and education-privileged folks speaking out FOR "sex work". First, y'all get to do it. No one is stopping you. Pimps are applauding you speaking out against radical feminists as if THEY, not PIMPS and PROCURERS are THE problem population for prostitutes; pimps beat up prostitutes, radical feminists don't; procurers rape and kill prostitutes; radical feminists don't. Second, please hold yourself to account to those who suffer most, to those with the least privileges, to those who are most silenced by prostitution before speaking out for something that is misogynistic and often racist to the core."
Men who buy sex targeted as part of International Women’s Day. "Our approach to prostitution is clear - prostitution is a form of violence against women and girls and sexual exploitation. As part of our strategy we are committed to not only eliminating street prostitution through targeting those who buy sex through the 'Thinking of Buying Sex? Think Again' campaign and tough enforcement actions , but also to providing support to, and opportunities for, women involved in prostitution their children, and their families. "
Capital Exploits: A Study of Prostitution and Trafficking in London. Ny rapport fra Eaves, 2013.
Sverige: Osynliga synliga aktörer (se side 169. "I ett samtal med Pye Jakobsson, före detta sexarbetare och numera boendestödjare för personer med neuropsykiatriska funktionshinder, så uppger hon att:
Vissa undersökningar som gjorts bland sexarbetare verkar tyda på att det !nns en relativt stor representation av neuropsykiatriska diagnoser bland människor som arbetar med sex. Jag har trä"at en hel del människor inom sexindustrin med olika typer av diagnoser som ADHD och
Aspergers syndrom, och !nner det inte särskilt märkligt.
Tanja Rahm: Grænselandet mellem seksuel leg og prostitution
En ny eufemisme har gjort sit indtog. ”Prostitutionslignende adfærd” dækker over det faktum, at flere unge i dag bruger sex som en handelsvare, der kan byttes for inklusion, oplevelser og materielle goder. En rapport om anbragte unge og seksualitet fra 2004 kortlagde allerede der den foruroligende udvikling, men adfærden har bredt sig til langt flere end de udsatte. Mest bekymrende er det, at de unge ikke selv ser nogen sammenhæng mellem byttehandlerne og prostitution. Spørgsmålet er, om mediernes øgede seksualisering har haft en finger med i spillet."
Female sex workers frequently offered larger fees by their clients in return for sex without a condom.
" “Our study confirms the high demand by clients for unprotected sex among SWs [sex workers] in an urban Canadian setting,” write the authors. “These findings are consistent with other studies, which have suggested that clients looking for unprotected sex may seek out SWs who are particularly vulnerable to coercion.”
Prostitusjon og et sosialistisk menneskesyn. "Seksualiteten vår skal ikke gjøres til en vare. Dersom man aksepterer at å selge sex skal være et arbeid på linje med andre arbeid, sier man også at det er greit å gjøre kvinnekroppen til et objekt."
EWL: "Time has come to address links between prostitution and trafficking, say 11 frontline NGOs
Spanien: Spain police smash Nigerian prostitution ring "Spanish police said Sunday they had broken up a ring that smuggled in women from Nigeria and forced them into street prostitution by burning them with irons and using voodoo rituals."
Nevada: Moonlite Bunnyranch prostitution contract made public during trial.
"According to a copy of the employment contract posted to TMZ’s Website, MBR employees are required to pay $20 per day for room and board, turn over 50% of all payments and tips received, and provide their own lubricants, sex toys and condoms."
Prostitution crackdown bill backed by public as 80% of those asked say they want a law to ban paying for sex 30 May 2013
LABOUR MSP Rhoda Grant proposed the Purchase of Sex Bill which would target the buyers of sex rather than those trapped in the trade..
Disabled people do have sex lives. Get over it We don't need to exploit prostitutes to have sex – but we do need equality in society for the myths to be debunked.
Tyskland: Unprotected: How Legalizing Prostitution Has Failed.
En 5 sider lang reportage om Tysklands prostitutionsbranche og historien om en totalt fejlslagen prostitutionslovgivning.
"When the Pussy Club opened near Stuttgart in 2009, the management advertised the club as follows: "Sex with all women as long as you want, as often as you want and the way you want. Sex. Anal sex. Oral sex without a condom. Three-ways. Group sex. Gang bangs." The price: €70 during the day and €100 in the evening.According to the police, about 1,700 customers took advantage of the offer on the opening weekend. Buses arrived from far away and local newspapers reported that up to 700 men stood in line outside the brothel. Afterwards, customers wrote in Internet chat rooms about the supposedly unsatisfactory service, complaining that the women were no longer as fit for use after a few hours."
"Hardly a single court had heard a case involving a prostitute suing for her wages. Only 1 percent of the women surveyed said that they had signed an employment contract as a prostitute. The fact that the Ver.di union had developed a "sample employment contract in the field of sexual services" didn't change matters. In a poll conducted by Ver.di, a brothel operator said that she valued the prostitution law because it reduced the likelihood of raids. In fact, she said, the law was more advantageous for brothel operators than prostitutes."
Danmark: 12 rumænske bagmænd sigtet for menneskehandel
Politiet har anholdt seks rumænere, der mistænkes for menneskehandel. Yderligere seks i udlandet mistænkt..
Schärferes Gesetz!?:Was Prostituierte wollen
" In Deutschland bedienen fast eine halbe Million Frauen täglich 1,2 Millionen Freier. Der jährliche Umsatz im Rotlichtmilieu wird auf sechs Milliarden Euro geschätzt. Der Staat kassiert über die Steuern mit: bei den Annoncen, den Mieten, den Taxen, den Getränken und den Kondomen."11 Jahre nach Einführung des ProstitutionsgesetzesWas also hat das Prostitutionsgesetz gebracht? Die größte Erwartung der Sexarbeiterinnen war, dass ihnen endlich nicht mehr mit Verachtung begegnet wird. Diese Hoffnung hat sich nicht erfüllt. Prostitution ist immer noch nicht gesellschaftlich anerkannt. Sie verläuft auch nicht, wie erhofft, in geregelteren Bahnen. Konkret: Nur ein Prozent der Frauen hat einen Arbeitsvertrag abgeschlossen. Denn zum Selbstverständnis der Branche gehört die Unabhängigkeit; die selbständige Tätigkeit nach eigenem Gusto und Zeitplan, ohne Chef.
Danmark: Vagtskifte på Istedgades fliser. "Men de senere år - og ikke mindst efter at prostitution i 1999 blev lovligt i Danmark - er kødmarkedet blevet mere og mere råt i den bydel, som som for flere hundrede år siden lagde de første brostensbelagte kulisser til byens gadeprostituerede. Der er kommet nye og fremmede boller på suppen og de danske kvinder er stort set fortrængt fra området, truet væk fra fliserne af netop det stærkt stigende antal østeuropæiske og afrikanske kvinder og deres bagmænd. De er blevet truet af prisen for seksuelle ydelser, som i kraft af konkurrencen er presset helt i bund. Ikke mindst af de afrikanske kvinder. Hos flere af dem kan man købe et blow-job for en 50er. Lidt mere end prisen på en pakke cigaretter."
Norge: Sexkjøpsloven gir et mer likestilt og humant samfunn. ""Sexkjøpsloven sender et sterkt signal om at kjøp av seksuelle tjenester ikke er ønskelig i vårt samfunn. Med andre ord: Mennesker – menn, kvinner og barn – kan ikke handles med, vi er ikke varer. Å bli sett på og selv oppfatte seg som et produkt er ikke et yrke, det er ingen sommerjobb. Derfor fremmer kjøpsforbudet menneskeverd og kroppslig integritet. Vi vil ikke redusere mennesker til varer på et marked."
Tyskland: Johns 'need clean bill of health' for hooker visits. " The Greens were a leading force decriminalizing the world's oldest profession over a decade ago, but recent changes in the sex work world are pushing them to call for new rules, Süddeutsche Zeitung reported on Thursday. At a conference later this month, the party will put forward a raft of changes in its election platform – including making punters prove they are disease-free before having sex with a prostitute. This idea is being championed by leaders of the Greens in Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria, Thekla Walker and Dieter Janecek. "
Danmark: København har godt fat i prostituerede. "En opgørelse fra kommunen viser, at blandt de 425 prostituerede, der henvendte sig på fire år, var 83 procent af henvendelserne rettet til den thailandske kulturformidler."
Talk Trafficking - Campaigns in the Danish media focus on human stories. Media campaigns in Denmark are focused on human stories and not on tendencies or movement in the area of human trafficking. This could be considered a problem – because that does not invoke change.
The Punter - Let's talk about his choices. Udtalelser fra engelske kunder om de prostituerede.
Danmark: Politiet anholder 18 prostituerede på Vesterbro.
"- Disse kvinder er meget aggressive i deres markedsføring over for alle mænd også selv om disse mænd færdes med kone og børn, skriver Københavns Politi i en pressemeddelelse."
Tanja Rahm: "Alle har ret til en stemme i prostitutionsdebatten Det er ikke nemt, at få sin stemme ud i prostitutionsdebatten. I hvert fald ikke, hvis man er imod en anerkendelse af prostitution som erhverv, og selv har erfaring med prostitution. Kvinder i prostitution promoverer jævnligt sig selv og faget i medierne, ved at lægge vægt på frihed, penge og selvstændighed. Især mænd sluger det råt, og tror på det frie valg og den evigt lystne kvinde."
Tyskland: Germany lags behind in protection of forced prostitutes. "Some 10,000 foreign women in Germany are forced into prostitution. German law threatens them with deportation. That only plays into the hands of pimps and human traffickers, say women's rights organizations. "The girls are controlled around the clock," says Gerlinde Matusch. "In some cases the girls didn't leave their rooms for two or three consecutive years. During the day, they had to serve the men in their rooms, and in the evenings they would be taken to brothels, or to private individuals.""
England: Sex slave ring in luxury flats is smashed by police in dawn raids. "Police today smashed a suspected Russian mafia gang that ran a prostitution and trafficking racket from an apartment block in west London. Detectives swooped on 13 addresses in dawn raids and rescued nine women they say were trafficked into the UK and forced into prostitution by the gang."
Victoria, Australien: Sex slaves in Vic brothels, inquiry told. "But police admit they do not know the scale of trafficking in Victoria's illegal brothels and cannot say how many illegal brothels there are. The cloak of anonymity and secrecy surrounding the industry makes it hard for police to investigate, Senior Sergeant Marilynn Ross told the inquiry."
Danmark: Sexolog: Kun dovne mænd går til prostituerede Er det frækt og fristende at stoppe en prostitueret for at få sig en betalt hyrdetime? Overhovedet ikke, mener sexolog Jakob Olrik. Faktisk mener han, at mænd, der går til prostituerede, er dovne.
Sverige: Sexkøbsloven 2.0 Regeringen uppmanas förbjuda sexköp utomlands -Lansering av kampanj för Sexköpslagen 2.0! - se også videoklippet på Youtube, der henvises til på siden, "Film om kriminalisering av sexköp utomlands:"
Chicago, USA: FOX 32 Investigates Sex Trafficking: Targeting the `johns`
"CHICAGO (FOX 32 News) - Women who are caught selling sex are usually arrested, but what about the men? FOX 32 is taking an in-depth look at the fight against sex trafficking, with what many say should have started decades ago: targeting the johns. Undercover sheriff's officers posing as prostitutes say they attracted men taking a quick break from work, hoping to purchase a quickie from a working girl. They were caught up in a reverse sting."
Paying the Price: a consultation paper on prostitution July 2004, Home Office.
Holland: The Audacity of Tolerance: A Critical Analysis of Legalized Prostitution in Amsterdam’s Red Light District
"Metje Blaak, a former prostitute who now leads the labor union representing prostitutes and advises women in Amsterdam who seek to leave the profession, argues that the new policy under deliberation will only have negative repercussions for the sex trade:
“I am really against the registration idea. A lot of women come to me and tell me that if the registration becomes a requirement then they will go underground. I am also against putting the age up to 21 because the pimps will take more illegal routes. I have 22 year olds telling me that they are too old for the work because clients want younger women. Pimps will not wait until women are 21 so the illegal activities will grow.”
Despite the legality of the sex trade here, criminal organizations still profit handsomely from issues related to the current age limit of 18, which Metje describes in detail. Based on her intimate knowledge of the situation, one can only assume that the new policy will indeed further cripple the autonomy of sex workers. The case can be made that the “independent worker” is a myth. No one can truly work independently within a system that requires people to work in specific areas of town, and in certain establishments like sex clubs and window brothels. The selling of sex within these restrictive legal parameters, enforced through registration, detracts from the appeal of working legally. Metje mentions that before prostitution became legal, the women actually had more autonomy over themselves and their work; now, they have less freedom. They are easily controlled, not only by pimps who offer to pay rent and other services, but by the system itself."
Danmark: Flere ofre for menneskehandel. "I Danmark vurderer Rigspolitiet også, at sager om tvangsarbejde er i stigning. »Det passer nok meget godt med, at der er ca. én sag i Danmark om måneden. Der er nogle bagmænd her, som føler sig fristet til at udnytte nogle, der er i en svag social og økonomisk situation. Det er den samme problematik, vi har kendt til i nogle år i forhold til prostitutionsdelen. Det er nyere, at vi også ser det inden for andre brancher,« siger Michael Ask, chef for Rigspolitiets Nationale Efterforskningscenter, NEC."
AN UNLIKELY UNION Julie Bindel investigates a world of workers, pimps and punters.
"But the IUSW, often mistaken for the GMB Adult Entertainment Branch, is far from the left wing, pro-worker organisation its founders intended it to be. Some former members have told me that it is more of a mouthpiece for pimps and punters, and rather than warning them to “beware” as did its founders, the IUSW today welcomes sex industry bosses as members with open arms. The endorsement of the GMB, albeit for the official union branch representing those in the sex industry has led to the IUSW appearing to represent the ‘workers’ within the sex industry."
Tyskland: Thousands of young women turned into slaves in Germany.
""If for instance an underage girl is brought from Romania to Germany and forced into prostitution, then this qualifies as sexual abuse and exploitation but not as human trafficking. And the latter would be punished more severely under German law," the report quoted Rudi Tarneden of UNICEF Germany as saying. According to estimates of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), between 120,000 and 500,000 women from Central and Eastern Europe alone are brought to the western part of the continent by human traffickers and are forced into prostitution. Many of the victims are underage. "
Trafficking in human beings 2013, Eurostat.
Irland: Prime Time: Profiting from Prostitution. Paul Maguires prisbelønnede udsendelse om den irske prostitutionsbranche.
Disability and the male sex right by Sheila Jeffreys.
"In relation to disability this law of the male sex right leads men and boys to sexually abuse women, girls and boys made vulnerable to them by virtue of their dependence on male carers, or through institutionalisation. It leads to the provision of prostitutedwomen tomenwith disabilities (see Sullivan, 2007), the provision ofwhat are euphemistically called ‘sex surrogates’, or even the requirement that nurses and carers masturbate men with disabilities, which is called ‘facilitated sex’ (Earle, 2001; Davies, 2001). It also leads men who fetishise and get sexually excited bywomen’s disabilities to harass women amputees and seek sexual access to women with disabilities through various forms of exploitation and trafficking, the mail order bride business, prostitution and pornography (Elman, 1997)."
Tanja Rahms indlæg til Folketingets mini-høring om prostitution 2013.
"I mine prostitutionsår, blev jeg udsat for alle typer af vold, men det tog mig mange år at indse. En af årsagerne var, at volden blev negligeret. Negligeret af telefondamen, af bordelmutter og af de andre prostituerede. Man anmeldte ikke overgrebene. Man skulle nemlig videre i dagens program. Der skulle laves penge, mænd ventede, og der var ikke tid til at tilkalde politi, lave anmeldelser eller tiltrække sig negativ opmærksomhed fra mændene, eller risikere at man skræmte kunder væk, når politibilen var parkeret på gaden.
Med tiden lærte man at ignorere overgrebene. Man normaliserede dem. Normaliserede det unormale. De få gange, hvor jeg ikke kunne undgå politiet, da en kunde f.eks. var tæt på at brænde mig inde, var de en kærlig og omsorgsgivende støtte. I modsætning til bordelmutter, der flippede ud fordi politiet havde kørt mig til stationen, og kunderne nu kom til en låst dør. Politiet blev min allierede. De tog mine oplevelser alvorligt. De stigmatiserede mig ikke. Det gjorde branchen til gengæld. Ved at give udtryk for, at det var ”os”, de prostituerede, mod resten af verden. Og alligevel havde de, bordelejerne, kun en ting for øje, nemlig at tjene penge på min bekostning."
Anatomy of a pro-prostitution lobby – A case Study: STRASS, in France"Typically, the first international organization targeted by the pro-prostitution lobbies was the International Labour Organization (ILO): their priority was to get prostitution recast as work – “sex work” – in international instruments (which, in general, legally override national legislation), as well as to impose a distinction between “chosen” vs. “coerced” prostitution. It is through this stratagem that was adopted in 2002 the réglementariste normalization of brothels in Germany, where it can now be seen that the police has become powerless, because the onus of demonstrating coercion and lodging a complaint has been shifted to women, and none can afford to file such reports, as they are closely controlled by prosperous mafia-related pimps (3)."
New Zealand: Work-from-home laws trip up brothel.
"Complaints from neighbours prompted the closure of a clandestine brothel operating from an inner-city Wellington apartment - but only because it breached "work-from-home" rules. Up to 20 prostitutes worked around the clock from the brothel in an apartment on The Terrace. After neighbours complained to Wellington City Council about strange sounds, and clients knocking on the wrong doors, the council shut it down."
Tyskland: Außer Kontrolle – Über die Freiheiten und die (Kriminalitäts-)Entwicklung in den bundesdeutschen Rotlichtmilieus –Von Manfred Paulus, Erster Kriminalhauptkommissar a. D., Ulm/Donau
"Die deutsche Prostitutionslandschaft der Gegenwart, die Milieus im Rotlicht werden, nicht zuletzt verursacht durch anhaltendes Gewähren lassen und täterfreundliche Gegebenheiten, längst in weiten Teilen und auch nicht mehr nur in Berlin sondern bundesweit von vielfach der Organisierten Kriminalität (OK) zuzuordnenden Gruppierungen gelenkt und beherrscht. So von
und anderen, ähnlich strukturierten und nicht weniger kriminellen Organisationen.
- albanischen Clans (von der albanischen Mafia),
- der russischen Mafia (zahlreiche kleinere und größere Gruppierungen und Organisationen),
- von Balkan-Syndikaten,
- von ukrainischen Banden,
- von Arabern (von libanesischen Clans),
- von türkischen Gruppierungen,
- von litauischen Brigaden,
- von bulgarischen Zuhälterbanden,
- von Nigerianer(inne)n,
- von Rockergruppierungen (Hells Angels)
Die für die Bekämpfung der „Kriminalität im Zusammenhang mit dem Nachtleben“ zuständigen Dienststellen der deutschen Polizei warnen seit Jahren vor den Entwicklungen in den deutschen Milieus, vor der immer mehr im Dunkelfeld stattfindenden Rotlicht- und der fortschreitenden Organisierten Kriminalität."
Abuse of a victim of sex trade Evaluation of the Finnish sex purchase ban 13/2014
"Several arguments have been presented against a comprehensive sex purchase ban; on the basis of the present report, however, they do not seem weighty enough to prevent enactment of such a ban. It has been suggested that a comprehensive ban would drive prostitution and human trafficking underground and strengthen the position of the procurers. However, prostitution cannot disappear from sight altogether, because prostitutes must find buyers and in so doing cannot conceal themselves from the police.
The status and security of persons exploited in prostitution can be better improved by removing the ban on selling sex, by improving efforts to integrate of immigrant women and by developing social services for prostitutes.
The best way to improve the position of persons exploited sexually for financial gain would be to prohibit the purchasing of sex. "
Finland: Justitieministern anser att ett totalförbud mot sexköp bör övervägas"Finlands nuvarande lagstiftning är svårbegriplig och skyddar inte tillräckligt offer för människohandel och koppleri. Detta konstaterar professor Johanna Niemi och juris magister Jussi Aaltonen från Helsingfors universitet i sin utredning om hur väl strafflagens bestämmelse om förbudet mot sexköp fungerar. Bestämmelsen har varit i kraft sedan år 2006."
Finland: Increased pressure for a law in Finland to prohibit purchasing of sex."A total ban on purchasing sex would be more effective than the current legislation, which only prohibits purchasing sex from victims of human trafficking, victims of pimps or under-aged persons."
Prostitution and sex trafficking: the dubious moral distinctions and the reality "Some also argue that prostitution should be honoured as a type of emotional labour with intrinsic social value (O'Connell Davidson 2002: 89). Califia (1995: 245), holds that there will always be those who cannot find a partner, such as the unattractive, the disabled, those with terminal illnesses and the sexually dysfunctional. This argument is conflated with claims about the social value of sex work and the so-called 'need' of clients to access prostitutes. However, O'Connell Davidson (2002: 91) points out that since non-masturbatory sex involves another person, to grant one the right to control the terms of sex is to deny those same rights to another. This is evidenced in Moran's (2013: 2593) assertion that 'only if a woman were a masochist, deeply aroused by her own degradation, would it be possible for her to frame this reality as arousing.' This is the human cost of being the device used so another can realise their 'need' to have sex. As Brace (1997: 137 ) points out, the 'freedom' of the prostitutor is merely the 'freedom' to picture the self in radical abstraction from social relations of power and become a 'despotic subject'."
Trafficking Out Loud: "ØSTABER OG NEGERDAMER ”Jeg ved sgu ikke lige på stående fod, om det er østaber eller negerdamer, der er flest af lige nu. Men ét kan du være sikker på: de ved alle sammen, at de skal herop for at sprede benene. Det kan jeg godt garantere dig, kammerat,” svarede han. Af Jens Høvsgaard, forfatter og journalist."
Nord Irland: Top Swedish police officer defends anti-slavery law proposed by MLA “The police authorities in Sweden have used this legislation for over 15 years,” she told the News Letter. “Initially, some police authorities were doubtful about the possible effectiveness of the law, and how to enforce it.”
She adds: “In fact, very soon it became clear that the law is an excellent tool to hold individuals that purchase a sexual service accountable for their actions. But it also allows us to use it to reach and investigate those who organise prostitution activities in Sweden — whether they are local organised crime elements or cross-border traffickers.”
Australia: It's time to get serious about sex trafficking in Australia
Legalising prostitution has not made the women working safer. "Each week in Victoria, more than 60,000 men buy women in prostitution. Thanks to investigations like those carried out recently by The Age and Four Corners, we know that some of the women they buy have been trafficked. Sex trafficking in Australia should not come as a surprise. Sex industry businesses find a burgeoning market here. According to the business research company IBISWorld, the Australian sex industry has ballooned over the past decade. High growth has forced pimps to forge international supply routes to source their ''product'', which, in the case of the sex industry, is mostly women and children. Asian women in particular are a consumer favourite. "
Tyskland: 14 000 Prostituierte im Norden - sozial schlecht abgesichert. "Kiel. Nur ein Prozent der etwa 14 000 Prostituierten in Schleswig-Holstein hat einen Arbeitsvertrag. Das geht aus einem Bericht der Landesregierung zur sozialen Lage der Prostituierten hervor, der zur Landtagssitzung am Freitag in Kiel vorgestellt wurde. Lediglich 47 Prozent haben eine Rentenversicherung oder eine private Altersvorsorge. Weniger als ein Prozent - 107 Frauen - werden als selbstständig tätige Prostituierte steuerlich geführt."
Sverige: The carrots are cooked in the sex industry in Sweden: here's why. "These days, it is one of the most enthusiastic supporters of the law, who himself witnessed the decline in the number of women held in street prostitution in Stockholm. Where there was once 70 to 80 women selling sex outside, today it is between five and 10 in winter and 25 in summer. Some women are also the streets of Malmö and Gothenburg, the Swedish statistics but remain well below those of Denmark, where prostitution was decriminalized. Denmark has only slightly more than half of the Swedish population, but research has indicated that more than 1400 vendors sex throng the Danish streets."
Tyskland: "Deutschland ist Umschlagplatz für Frauen geworden" Das Prostitutionsgesetz von 2002 hat seine Wirkung verfehlt – Zuhälter und Menschenhändler sind die Nutznießer. Die künftige Regierung denkt jetzt über Änderungen am Strafrecht nach."
New Zealand: NZ's sex-slave cases 'slip under radar' "No one has been prosecuted in New Zealand for human trafficking but critics say that is only because a difference in definition is allowing cases to slip under the radar. A recent example is the case of a Malaysian sex worker who needed police help to retrieve her passport from her brothel owner. Immigration New Zealand has ruled this does not constitute trafficking."
New Zealand: NZ sex industry lures Asian women. "Almost as soon as she arrived in Auckland in April, her passport was taken by her "new boss". She described the next two months as "like a sex horror movie". "I have to service about 10 to 20 men and sometimes up to 14 hours a day. I cried everyday. I have no contact with the outside world except the clients. I asked one of them to help me, but he turned out to be a friend of [my] new boss and I got a bashing. I learned to shut up after that.""
Tyskland: Ein Europa frei von Prostitution! "Und noch eine Entwicklung gebe es zu verzeichnen: „Die Nachfrage nach jungen, kindlichen Frauen steigt. Die Bordelle ordern Frauen mit Größe 32 oder 34 und im Internet gibt es Hitlisten“. Gleichzeitig sei ein neuer Typus Freier unterwegs: Der „selbstbewusste, der Prostitution nicht mehr peinlich, sondern cool findet. Die Botschaft, dass Prostitution ein Job wie jeder andere ist, hat ihre Wirkung nicht verfehlt“, sagt Kommissar Sporer. „Und die Frauen sind die Verliererinnen dieser Entwicklung.“ Sein Fazit: „Der Richtungswechsel in der deutschen Prostitutionspolitik war ein Irrweg.“ "
Janice Raymonds tale 'Prostitution - not a job, not a choice.' bragt i Feminist Current.
Flora Ghosh, Liva Rehab, fortæller her i TV Det Tredie Sted om Liva Rehabs arbejde og om de skader kvinder i prostitution får.
Protesters demand male brothels for women in Turkey.
"In Turkey, a women's rights group has petitioned parliament for the creation of a male brothel. The call has heated up the discussion over whether the state should run brothels at all."
Kommuner hjælper prostituerede ud af branchen. "Politiken skriver, at mere end hver tredje sexklinikarbejder og escort-prostituerede har overvejet at stoppe med at sælge sex inden for det sidste år. Og næsten samtlige gadeprostituerede."
Sweiz: Call for action over teenage prostitution.
"The number of prostitutes working in Switzerland varies considerably from 10,604 - a report by Sonntag newspaper based on official police figures - to over 25,000, according to the European association for health promotion among migrant sex workers, TAMPEP. It is not clear how many young people are working as prostitutes, but experts say they are aware of a “hidden” phenomenon."
A Ruling Class vs. Revolutionary Response to Prostitution - John Spritzler. "They hope it will make people forget that the vast majority of prostitutes in the world do it only to survive, that they would otherwise never offer their bodies to be used for sex by strangers, and that they feel humiliated by having been forced into prostitution and don't want their children to ever know what they do for a living. The ruling elite are making an alliance with "sex worker activists" with an implicit deal: The elite will support making prostitution legal and improving working conditions for a minority of prostitutes, and in exchange the "sex worker activists" will never talk about the wrongness of the economic inequality of our society that drives most prostitutes involuntarily into prostitution."
Cypern: Cyperns Ombudskvinde Eliza Savvidou i Sigma Live 31. oktober 2013, Thought criminalization of "client" "Topic for discussion of the Ombudsman for vulgar sex "Trafficking in persons can not be effectively addressed while the system of prostitution allows men to buy women ' Perspective criminalization of the client-buyer of sexual services carry the Ombudsman Eliza Savvides in putting its independent Human Rights concerning the framework for preventing and combating trafficking in Cyprus, released yesterday on the website of the Office"
Frankrig: I'm gay and feminist for the criminalization of prostitution clients. Why?
Danmark: Otte tiltalt for menneskehandel: Her boede de handlede kvinder.
Danmark: Give-bordel involveret i stor rufferi-sag. " 8 bordeller. 45 til 50 sexarbejdere og fire millioner kroner i kontanter. Det lyder som næsten som en kriminalroman, men historien er fra den virkelige verden, hvor en 35-årig brasiliansk kvinde er blevet dømt for menneskehandel samt røveri og overfald mod de ansatte sexarbejdere sammen med sin mand og en kvindelig bekendt."
Spanien: Spanish police break up sex slave ring, arrest 25. " The gang was using Spain as a springboard to send Nigerian women to be exploited in other countries, and it laundered profits by buying luxury products that were shipped to Lagos, Nigeria, in vans with darkened windows and welded doors, police said. The crackdown seized 94 vans near Madrid and 26 loaded ones at Valencia port containing goods with an estimated value of 5 million euros ($6.7 million), the statement said. Police had to use heavy machinery to open the vans, which contained items such as expensive television sets and cases of premium liquor."
Brasilien: The child sex slaves of Brazil's Highway From Hell: Horrifying story of how girls as young as NINE are forced to sell themselves for just £8 a time
Underage girls are sold for sex every ten miles along the BR-116 Young girls prostitute themselves every night for just £8 The law turns a blind eye to the crimes and perpetrators are unpunished Matt Roper, a British journalist, investigated the extent of the abuse His charity Meninadança has set up a safe haven for 60 young girls UNICEF estimates there are 250,000 children in prostitution across Brazil "
Østrig: „Einfach hinklatschen“ Ein Geschäftsmann aus Paris erkundigt sich nach der kleinen Laura und erfährt: „Die hat einen Makel, das sage ich gleich dazu, sie hat noch bis September eine Zahnspange.“ Abends ein Anruf aus der Parlamentsdirektion: „Wie ist denn die Julia so vom Charakter? Macht sie auch Vollendung in den Mund?“ Ein PR-Berater aus der Innenstadt stellt sich am Telefon als „brutale Sau“ vor und will einem siebzehnjährigen „Ferkilein“ einmal alle „Löcher stopfen“. Bekommt er. „Die freut sich, sie muss nämlich eine Meniskusoperation machen und braucht 500 Euro“, sagt der Frauenhändler. „Oh je! Da muss sie aber viel pudern“, antwortet der Werbemann und sagt: „Ich hab schon einen Steifen.“ Ein prominenter Wiener Anwalt drängt: „Ich brauche drei Mädels. Zum Schmusen und Arschficken.“ Ein Mitarbeiter der „Begleitagentur“ freut sich später am Telefon übers gute Geschäft: „Ich bin ausgebucht heute. Die Anwälte ficken! Die Anwälte und die Staatsanwälte!“ Sein Gesprächspartner sagt: „Die hast du alle auf deiner Seite.“"
Tyskland: Banishea Gegen Prostitition. Für Frauen. Für Selbstbestimmung und Unabhängigkeit. Gegen Sexkauf. Not for Sale. Weil Frauen keine Ware sind. En god side med links og artikler fra bla Tyskland.
Tyskland: Freier sind heimliche Sadisten
SPIEGEL-Interview mit der Prostituierten Brigitte Obrist über die Wirkungen von Brutalo-Pornos auf das Milieu.
"SPIEGEL: Ist das schon vorgekommen? OBRIST: Ja. Aggressive Übergriffe passieren immer häufiger. Unsere Kundschaft ist das gesamte europäische Männersortiment, nämlich Schweizer, Deutsche, Italiener, Spanier, Franzosen, Engländer und so weiter. Die gehen nicht gerade sanft mit uns um. Türken und Jugoslawen nehmen wir als Kunden inzwischen nicht mehr, sie sind einfach zu gefährlich. Ein Jugoslawe hat mir mal die Faust ins Gesicht gedonnert und mich niedergeschlagen. Türken sind schwierig, weil sie keine Kondome nehmen wollen. Generell ist mein Eindruck: Die Aggressivität der Männer ist umgekehrt proportional zu ihrer Potenz.
SPIEGEL: Wächst die Brutalität der Freier?
OBRIST: Das Milieu entwickelt sich zusehends in diese Richtung. Am schlimmsten dran sind Frauen aus der Dritten Welt und Beschaffungsprostituierte auf dem Straßenstrich, weil sie relativ isoliert arbeiten. Da passieren immer häufiger Vergewaltigungen, Prügeleien oder auch Morde."
Tyskland: Tyske prostitutionskunders vurdering af de kvinder, de køber sex af.
Freiersblick gibt Einblick in die Erlebenswelt der Männer, die sich Frauen kaufen. Wertungsfrei und unkommentiert
Spain: Brave mother reports pimps
"The boy had been taken from his mother a year earlier to pressure her into working as a prostitute for the gang. She and five other women aged between 18 and 38, who have now been freed, were forced to solicit in the streets of nearby Catarroja."
Ændringer af den tyske prostitutionslovgivning.
Sverige: The scars of prostitution.
"Supporters of the prostitution industry repeat allegations that street prostitution became more dangerous with the criminalization of the purchaser. The official 2010 Swedish report on the law, corroborated by other accounts, found these claims to be unfounded. Similar claims promulgated outside Sweden often originate in an unpublished piece in English where the Swedish author did not mention that her sample of up to 20 women was deliberately composed of persons who mostly said they had a positive view of prostitution because, she thought, so many voices saying the opposite were heard.".
A socialist perspective on the sex industry & prostitution. Laura Fitzgerald.
"In a speech in the Dail on the bill proposed by Thomas Pringle TD to criminalise the buyers of sex, Clare Daly TD evoked the example of a man who is in a sexless marriage who uses prostitutes and is in no way exploitative or violent. This view of prostitution as a social service, alongside the similar argument that men with disabilities need such a service, is in fact a continuation of a conservative and ultimately patriarchal view of sexuality. Why is it that women in a sexless marriage – or disabled women for that matter – are not prime clients for the sex industry? Again, it’s an example of sex viewed through a patriarchal prism that at its heart views sex as something that men want and desire, and that women reluctantly submit to. It has also contained within it, a notion that to have sex is a right, as opposed to something that should always be engaged in consensually. Men in sexless marriages, or people with disabilities, who can and do engage in consensual sexual activities, should not be evoked to sanitise the sex industry."
"Hvorfor noen menn føler det er ok å betale for sex, vet hun ikke. - De er rett og slett mannssjåvinistiske griser. Spesielt de som er pimper eier ikke respekt for kvinner, og heller ikke moraler og verdier. De bryr seg rett og slett ikke. De vil bare tjene penger, akkurat som doplangere gjør, sier hun. Etter å ha arbeidet med serien kjente hun at hun begynte å mislike menn. - Jeg ble så kvalm av det de hadde gjort mot disse jentene. Jeg har bare menn i teamet mitt, men etter å ha hørt en historie om en prostituert som ble banket opp og etterlatt for å dø av en kunde, klarte jeg ikke snakke med dem på fem timer. Jeg visste selvfølgelig at dette ikke hadde noe med dem å gjøre, men de skjønte meg. De var opprørte de også. Jeg tror jeg aldri har sett dem så stille og alvorlige før, sier Marsh."
Expert backs criminalisation of buying sex
"Gunilla Ekberg was special advisor on prostitution and human trafficking to the Swedish government when it criminalised buying sex in 1999. She is also a barrister and social worker who has worked with some 1,600 women. Yesterday she briefed Stormont’s Justice Committee on Lord Morrow’s bill, which would criminalise the purchase of sex if approved by the Assembly. “There is no particular attraction for human traffickers and pimps in Sweden since 1999,” she said. “We have hard evidence for this in the official evaluation from 2008-10. “Men who use these women are now concerned about appearing in court because it could damage their role in their communities. These men are from all walks of life and are usually in committed relationships.” Lord Morrow’s bill would not drive prostitution underground because gangs still need to advertise women, she argued."
USA: On Eagles’ Wings: Dear John: Sexual sins, part II. "It’s time to grow up, John. To you, the girls are nothing more than an f-word, c-word, a-word or p-word. In your eyes, they are trash. You use them. And then you leave them on the side of the road, to be picked up by another. Let’s be straight: The sex trade exists for you and because of you. Violent criminals have stopped at nothing to supply your demand. They will abduct children and teens, or lure them with false promises of work and a better life. They stalk runaways. They kidnap. They kill."
Hawaii: Hawaii Lawmakers Pass Four Anti-Slavery Bills
"“Though it may sound callous to the casual ear, sex-trafficking is a business, albeit an illicit one, that operates on the principles of free enterprise,” said IMUAlliance legislative director Kris Coffield. “One of the most effective means of stifling exploitation, then, is to target the johns who subsidize the commercial sex trade by increasing the penalties associated with paying for sex, thereby hiking the opportunity cost of soliciting prostitution.”
“Hawaii comes several steps closer to effectively addressing the exploitation of children and the ending of the demand for prostitution and sex-trafficking.” said Kathryn Xian, Executive Director of the Pacific Alliance to Stop Slavery. “We are intensely committed to creating the important policy changes that will ensure the safety of Hawaii’s keiki and abolish the trend of selling women and children for money. These crimes have no place in these islands and are diametrically opposed not only to the Hawaiian culture but to healthy living for all.”"
New Zealand: Illegal brothels shut in crackdown
"Details of the raids come weeks after the raid on an unlicensed brothel with more than 30 sex workers operating from a first-floor Brown St apartment, next to the Richmond Rd Primary School in Ponsonby."Over the last six months, the council has investigated and undertaken enforcement action in a number of residential locations where complaints have been received regarding alleged brothels operating unlawfully," said Angela Jones, a spokeswoman for the Auckland Council.
"In most instances, the council found that the number of people working on the site exceeded the numbers permitted by the district plan.
"Abatement notices were issued ordering them to comply with the plan."
Brothels in residential areas are allowed to have only two sex workers, and the main use of the building still has to be residential. The Herald understands that several home brothels have closed down since the raids, including one in a central city apartment building and another in Woodward Rd, Mt Albert."
New Zealand: Sex workers 'shouldn't be exempt from rules'
"South Auckland's streets, car parks, public and sporting facilities, businesses and churches will continue to be used as brothels unless legislation is introduced to control prostitution, community leaders have said. Local board representatives met with the Local Government and Environment select committee at a hearing in Mangere on Wednesday to discuss their submissions regarding the Manukau City Council (Regulation of Prostitution in Specified Places) Bill. A grim picture was painted as they outlined problems faced by their community which included offensive behaviour and violence from street workers, the clean-up of used condoms and clients approaching schoolgirls and female residents for services."
Australia: Legal brothels and the failures of regulation
"The numbers of non-English speaking Asian-background women in Australia’s sex industry is now at record levels, as is the involvement of foreign pimps. None of this is surprising – when the current regulatory regime was adopted in Victoria in the early 1990s the global sex industry was not well networked. In fact, parliamentarians didn’t even mention trafficking when they created the legislation. Now, 20 years later, Consumer Affairs is having to deal with the fallout from a failed experiment in legalised prostitution.
The Victorian government needs to catch-up with international best-practice on sex industry regulation in a world of globalised prostitution and human trafficking. This best-practice approach has been underway in Sweden since 1999, and in South Korea, Norway and Iceland since.
It treats all prostitution as a human rights violation, and makes victims of the sex industry eligible for intensive social services to re-build their lives, whether or not they’ve been technically “trafficked”. It treats pimps, traffickers, brokers and sex industry customers with the contempt and criminal sanction they deserve.
These people are profiting from sexual harm done to the most abused and disadvantage people in our society, and from societies abroad. The Victorian government needs to take a strong public stand against the sex industry as a driver of trafficking, sexual violence and misogyny. A first step toward this is to encourage Consumer Affairs to continue its valuable research in Sweden."
Australien: Brisbane mother jailed for child trafficking of daughter, nine
"She sent for her daughter from Thailand to be brought to Australia for a six-week holiday in 2004, during which time the mother taught her daughter Thai massage, masturbation of men, and oral sex.The crown alleges that in 2006, when the child was 11, her mother brought her to Australia from Thailand permanently, to work as a prostitute.
Prosecutor Todd Fuller SC told the court the woman had informed her clients she had a "new girl" in her business. When the girl was younger, the mother was present and participated in the sexual activity when the child was with clients, some of whom were regulars.
As the child grew older, she was required to "service clients alone", Mr Fuller said.
"The defendant told her she (was) brought to Australia to pay the bills," he said.
"If she wanted to be rich she had to work hard (she was told)."
Beyer: We were naive liberalising prostitution
"MPs from National, Labour and New Zealand First spoke. Beyer, a former Carterton mayor and Labour MP who championed the push to decriminalise sex work a decade ago, said lawmakers glossed over the issue. "We thought, naively, that with the liberalisation of prostitution, that it would not be desirable necessarily to be a street worker."Beyer said she recently told Justice Minister Judith Collins the Government should amend the 2003 Prostitution Reform Act to address street prostitution.
New Zealand First leader Winston Peters said human traffickers were probably involved in the importation of prostitutes. "My Asian informants tell me how rampant it is," Peters said."
The Economics of Commercial Sexual Exploitation
"In the world's largest Red Light District, Bangkok, there are stark differences between the go-go dancer types—who are similar to those prevalent in every global city across the world—and sex entertainers subjected to egregious forms of human zoo tourism at "ping pong shows." Extreme forms of sex entertainment in Bangkok are disturbing, but logical, extensions of an inherently misogynistic industry, notes feminist scholar MacKinnon. "Pornography of Asian women sold in the West has been almost entirely a pornography of torture," writes MacKinnon. "This is just presenting that in the flesh." MacKinnon also notes that these shows perpetuate a stereotype of the "exotic East," which Edward Said correctly dismissed as a racist and Orientalist fantasy."
Artikel bragt i Politiken 9. marts 2013, skrevet af Tanja Rahm, sexolog og forfatter
Alice Viola, mentor og terapeut
Christina Christensen, pædagog
Lita Malmberg, arbejdsløs socialpædagog
Pia Christensen, cand.mag.
Odile Poulsen, forfatter og psykoterapeut MFP
Alle skribenterne er forhenværende prostituerede
Det var uværdigt, voldeligt og ufrit at sælge sig selv"SEXKØB. Selv om hundredvis af kvinder i vores situation fortæller om de samme smertelige konsekvenser af prostitution, tæller den viden ikke i den nuværende debat, skriver seks forhenværende prostituerede
Vi er mange, der har måttet erkende, at prostitution ikke var et frivilligt og frigørende valg, men grænseoverskridende, voldeligt, ufrit. Vi mistede kontakten med os selv. For at kunne holde til det. ’Tilfredse sexarbejdere’ bliver behandlet med en sjælden ukritisk politisk korrekthed af medierne.
Journalisten i ’Bordellet’ æder jo de mange modsætninger råt. Men kvinder i prostitution er altså ikke lavet af glas. Så hvorfor skal de ikke svare på kritiske spørgsmål? Hvordan vil de f.eks. undgå at blive udnyttet af bagmænd ved hjælp af en telefondame og en vagt? Hvordan vil de få mænd til at lade være med at købe de udenlandske kvinder uden adgang til de berømte ’rettigheder’, de er jo billigere? Hvordan beskytter et fagforeningsmedlemskab mod overgreb fra sexkøberne? Hvordan er man arbejdsløs prostitueret?
Man kan jo bare stille sig ned på flisen. ’Bordellet’ giver det indtryk, at stigmatiseringen består i, at nogle er uenige i, at prostitution er et o.k. arbejde. Sexkøbernes nedladende kvindesyn omskriver de interviewede kvinder til, at de fleste da er søde mænd, der savner lidt nærhed og intimitet. "
Klumme skrevet af Tanja Rahm i Danner Magasinet. "Er prostitution seksuelt frigørende?
Prostitutionsdebatten raser igen. Og man skal høre meget, før ørerne falder af. Det tåbeligste, jeg har læst, er, at prostitution er seksuelt frigørende."
Af Tanja Rahm, leder af Center For Sexologisk Rådgivning og tidligere prostitueret
April, 2013
Kommunikationsrådgiver Nanna Kalinka Bjerke fik i Politiken d. 27. november 2012 spalteplads til at håne feministerne med et postulat om, at prostitution er seksuelt frigørende, og brugte blandt andet et religiøst efterslæb som begrundelse for, at vi ikke betragtede prostitution med positive øjne.
Men jeg vil godt understrege, at der intet seksuelt frigørende er i at prostituere sig selv. Derfor har prostitution og seksuel frigørelse intet med hinanden at gøre.
Ægte seksualitet bygger på ligeværdighedSom tidligere prostitueret kan jeg garantere, at min seksuelle frigørelse først opstod den dag, jeg stoppede i prostitution. Det var fra den dag, hvor jeg begyndte at værne om min seksualitet og ikke længere betragtede den som allemandseje. Det betød ikke, at jeg slukkede min seksualitet, for det gjorde jeg ikke. Til gengæld nød jeg den kun med mænd, som der var en gensidig og ligeværdig relation til.
Men prostitution er en anden snak. Prostitution finder sted på baggrund af mænds opfattelse af kvinder og sex som en handelsvare, så når kvinder vælger at prostituere sig, er det fordi der er et marked og en økonomisk gevinst ved det. Det handler ikke om at eksperimentere eller udleve seksuelle fantasier. For dem udlever man dér, hvor man møder ligesindede. Og det er man langt fra på en massageklinik. At bilde sig det ind, er både naivt og et voldsomt unuanceret syn på og tilgang til kvinders seksuelle frigørelse."
Does Brooke Magnanti understand statistics? " af Anti-Porn Feminists
Pro-Sex, Anti-Porn: The Blog of Anti-Porn London
"Anyone even tangentially involved with the sex industry can call themselves a ‘sex worker’, which means pimps, pornographers, brothel keepers, academics, telephone sex line operators, the people who sit behind the till in a sex shop, sperm donors and porno-comic book illustrators all can and do call themselves ‘sex workers’."
Review reveals shocking details on prostitution.
“That particular system has effectively closed down the prostitution industry in that country. The biggest fear with prostitution in this country is that there are women being trafficked against their will from their homelands into Ireland where they are prisoners and effectively are human slaves. The pimps and traffickers are criminals, but the people who use prostitutes and pay for sex are funding criminality. It’s widely believed that a significant portion of the money earned by prostitutes ends up funding the drugs gangs,” he said. "
Prostitution in Amsterdam: The Dark Side of the Amsterdam Red Light District
" Aside from the dangers of organized crime, prostitution in Amsterdam can be a dangerous profession due to clients alone. On February 20, 2009 a 19 year-old prostitute was stabbed to death in her work room in the Red Light District. The incident marked the 13th murder of a prostitute in Amsterdam since 1990."
The Invisible Man. af Angel K. - Surviving prostitution and addiction.
"Why then are the men who buy women not spoken about? How is it that they manage to remain in the shadows, the moral judgment cast instead on the woman being prostituted, being abused? The johns are given this privilege, this privacy, because they have the money. The customer is always right! What he wants, he gets. The johns are consumers, and what they want is access to women's bodies, to be used as they see fit, without repercussion. They want a consequence-free, conscience-free fuck. Or wank, in the case of porn. And boy, do we give them that! Society gives them its blessing. The sex industry, the takers of the johns' money, the makers of their fantasies, re-labels and re-packages what it does to make it more customer-friendly, more feel good. Instead of speaking about women's bodies for sale, the financial imperative, they speak of sexual liberation, of a carefree, consequence free, damage free experience for the woman being sold. Spotlight on her. A win-win situation, these women just want a good fucking and the men do them a favour by obliging. These women enjoy it, and the exchange of money far from being a negative thing with power connotations is seen as the icing on the cake - she not only gets laid all day, as much cock as she could wish for in every hole, but she gets paid for it!"
Moves to tackle sexual exploitation of young girls in NZ, Fiji and PNG.
“We’ve got to collaboratively, between the various agencies, work at ways to reduce and eventually stop demand,” she said. “If you stop demand, it won’t matter how many young girls are loitering in Otara or in Suva or anywhere else — if there’s no men to pick them up, then prostitution would just die out.”"
New Zealand bans foreign students from prostitution
"WELLINGTON, Mar 25 – International students studying in New Zealand, where prostitution is legal, have been told they are to be barred from working in the sex trade." (...) "The New Zealand Herald reported Monday that Chinese make up a third of the 1,700 sex workers in Auckland, but it was not known how many were on a student visa."
Why the game’s up for Sweden's sex trade.
""These days he's one of its most enthusiastic supporters, having seen for himself how the number of women in street prostitution in Stockholm has declined. Where 70 or 80 women used to sell sex outdoors, these days it's between five and 10 in winter, 25 in summer. A small number of women work on the streets of Malmö and Gothenburg but the Swedish figures are nothing like those for Denmark, where prostitution has been decriminalised. Denmark has just over half the population of Sweden but one study suggested there were more than 1,400 women selling sex on Danish streets.The law has brought about other changes as well. Before 1999, most women in street prostitution in Stockholm were Swedish. Now they're from the Baltic states or Africa, and have sold sex in other countries as well. They tell Haggstrom's officers they're much more likely to be subjected to violence in countries where prostitution has been legalised."
Ten Reasons for Not Legalizing Prostitution And a Legal Response to the Demand for Prostitution
Janice G. Raymond "We hear too little about the role of the sex industry in creating a global sex market for women and children. Instead, we hear that prostitution could be made into a better job for women through regulation and/or legalization, through unions of so-called “sex workers,” and through campaigns that provide condoms to women but fail to provide them with alternatives to prostitution. We hear much about how to keep women in prostitution but very little about how to help women get out"
Om menneskehandel om det voksende antal bordeller i Nordjylland.
TV 2 Nord med en uges fokus på prostitution i Nordjylland.
MP Asenati Lole-Taylors tale i det New Zealandske parlament 27. marts 2013 om prostitution.
The Pimps Are Wading in Champagne
"The [German] Prostitution Act has condemned the police to inactivity, for itpresupposes pimps and prostitutes are equal partners. This is "madness", sayssomeone who should know: Chief Commissioner Hohmann, for 14 years Director of the "Investigation Service Prostitution "in Stuttgart."
Fra University of Otago, New Zealand. Having multiple sex partners linked to later drug and alcohol problems
Brothel owners say police sex unit shooting blanks
"But that is exactly what has happened, with SICU taking a role in intelligence sharing but leaving enforcement against illegal premises to local authorities. The unit, instead, has taken a more direct enforcement role against licensed brothels, where it is understood it has found several suspected instances of trafficking. So far, the squad has formally interviewed nine people about offences including employing a child as a sex worker, drug possession, dealing in proceeds of crime, employing workers in breach of visa conditions and illegal prostitution. But most of those people - six of the nine - were from licensed premise "
Is it really an ‘affront to human dignity’ to promote exiting among women involved in prostitution?
"The debate around prostitution is polarised between those who view prostitution as a form of violence against women (VAW) and those who believe that women make a choice to sell sex and that state intervention in the activity should be kept to a minimum unless it aims to protect the rights of people selling sex. "
Amsterdam to raise legal age for prostitutes to 21, close sex windows in early morning hours.
"The Dutch tolerance of prostitution has always been a subject of debate, and after it was legalized, city officials realized that move had not served to reduce abuses. A proposed new national law would create a database of registered prostitutes, but it has never been passed by Parliament. Dutch officials are now studying Sweden’s prostitution laws as a possible model. Swedish law criminalizes only visiting prostitutes and does not punish the prostitutes themselves."
Journalisten: Medieordfører: Ekstra Bladet bør droppe massageannoncer
"Ekstra Bladet bør tage deres forretning med prostitutionsannoncer op til revision, mener flere medieordførere. Det sker, efter at Journalisten har beskrevet, at avisen jævnligt modtager henvendelser fra politiet, fordi de har haft mistanke om udnyttelse af prostituerede bag annoncerne"
Radio New Zealand : Demand to ban prostitutes from streets.
"Businesses in Papatoetoe are asking the Government to ban sex workers from their streets and fix the damage caused by decriminalising prostitution. The local government and environment select committee has been hearing submissions on a bill to outlaw street prostitution in Auckland in some areas."
Nanna Gersov på F Frekvensen Går regeringen sexbranchens ærindei lovrevision om seksualforbrydelser?
""Som opfølgning på betænkningen har justitsminister Morten Bødskov (S) fremsat lovforslag L 141 den 6. februar 2013, som debatteres i folketinget den 22. februar 2013. Desværre peger nogle af forslagene i retning af at fjerne forskellige bestemmelser, som skulle beskytte især unge imod seksuelt misbrug og prostitution samt i retning af at fremme prostitution i samfundet."
Kajsa Ekis Ekman i et interview til EMMA. Prostitution in Germany: hard facts, hard debate, harder thoughts
Immigrant Council of Ireland:
"Prostitution rethink by Dutch has lessons for Ireland Laws targeting sex-buyers being considered after failure of regulation Statement by Immigrant Council of Ireland Dutch lawmakers are rethinking the failure of their countries laws on prostitution in a move that could have valuable lessons for Ireland, according the Immigrant Council of Ireland. This week a member of the Dutch Government is travelling to Sweden to examine the success of laws there in curbing exploitation, abuse and trafficking by targeting sex-buyers."
Swedish Police Trafficking in human beings for sexual and other purposes RPS report 2011.
JP-fond hjælper prostituerede med »beskidte penge«
"Jyllands-Postens Fond hjælper prostituerede med midler, der blandt andet kommer fra Ekstra Bladet. Det sker, samtidig med at Ekstra Bladet i mindst 10 år jævnligt har modtaget henvendelser fra politiet, fordi de har haft mistanke om udnyttelse af prostituerede bag de annoncer, Ekstra Bladet tjener penge på."
DR’s dramaserie ’Borgen’ – FUP ELLER FAKTA? DR’s dramaserie ’Borgen’ er fiktion. Men serien foregiver at være så virkelighedsnær som muligt. Burde man så ikke kunne forvente, at størstedelen af de faktuelle oplysninger stemte? Jo. Det gør de ikke i ’Borgens’ afsnit om prostitution. Langtfra, endda. Her er 8. marts-initiativets FUP eller FAKTA-liste om ’Borgens’ formidling af prostitutionstemaet.
Winds of accountability: Buy sex and go to jail under new proposed amendment to Trafficking Act Read more at:
Dutch could ban visits to prostitutes.
"AMSTERDAM, Netherlands, Feb. 18 (UPI) -- Some lawmakers in the Netherlands say they are thinking about pushing for legislation to make prostitution illegal in the country. The Labor party is considering such a law, reported Monday. Myrthe Hilkens, a member of Parliament, is scheduled to visit Sweden this week, where people who pay for sex can be fined or jailed. "
Why even Amsterdam doesn’t want legal brothels
"Twelve years on, and we can now see the results of this experiment. Rather than afford better protection for the women, it has simply increased the market. Rather than confine the brothels to a discrete (and avoidable) part of the city, the sex industry has spilt out all over Amsterdam — including on-street. Rather than be given rights in the ‘workplace’, the prostitutes have found the pimps are as brutal as ever. The government-funded union set up to protect them has been shunned by the vast majority of prostitutes, who remain too scared to complain.(...)
""When the fake and government-funded union supposedly representing those involved in prostitution did a massive membership recruitment post-legalisation, only a hundred joined, and most of those were strippers and lap dancers."
"I ”Borgen”, der blev sendt søndag aften den 3. februar, bliver ”Værestedet”, et værested for
gadeprostituerede på Vesterbro i København, beskyldt for bevidst at fuske med de tal, de
indberetter til myndighederne. Sagen med tallene fra ”Borgen” lægger sig meget tæt op ad en
sag fra virkelighedens verden. Nemlig en sag om forkerte optællinger af gadeprostituerede i
KFUKs Sociale Arbejdes værested Reden."
" German job centre has apologised for an 'oversight' after ordering a young woman to work in a brothel.
According to a report in the local Augsburger Allgemeine newspaper, Christine Hirmer, 19, received a letter from the German Labour Office in Augsburg suggesting she apply for a position at an establishment called the 'Colosseum.'"
"Seit dem Doppel-„Tatort“ diskutiert Deutschland über Zwangsprostitution und Menschenhandel. Das brutale Geschäft mit dem Sex boomt. Jährlich setzen kriminelle Rockerbanden Milliarden im Rotlichtmilieu um. Jetzt will ihnen die Union an den Kragen.
Verschleppt, misshandelt und zum Sex gezwungen: Nach offiziellen Angaben des Bundeskriminalamts (BKA) werden in Deutschland derzeit mindestens 600 Frauen als Prostituierte versklavt. Die Dunkelziffer schätzen Bundesregierung, Polizei und Frauenorganisationen jedoch deutlich höher. Den Zwangsprostituierten nutzt es dabei wenig, dass Prostitution in Deutschland seit zehn Jahren nicht mehr sittenwidrig ist. Denn seit Inkrafttreten des Prostitutionsgesetzes Anfang 2002 ist der Menschenhandel zum Zweck sexueller Ausbeutung einer Studie der EU-Kommission zufolge stark gestiegen."
Konference i Miami hvor Catharine Mackinnon og Gail Dines begge er talere. Der kommer først et reklamespot før selve konferencevideoen starter. Mackinnons tale starter ca 09:35 og Dines 01.15.00
Tips and advice for women who offer sex services ….
Et lille udpluk af sikkerhedstip for prostituerede i Østrig. "How to deal with risky clients (e.g., new clients): - Never turn your back towards the client at the date - Do not wear a scarf or necklace - Serve the client from the top so you can’t get crushed. • Always have you mobile phone within reach, take care to always have sufficient credit on your SIM card."
PRIS – Prostituerades Revansch I Samhället
– är ett nätverk för personer med sexbranscherfarenhet. Vi består av såväl verksamma som tidigare verksamma inom områden som prostitution, striptease och andra delar av sexbranschen.
Frontfigur också i styrelse för strippklubb.
Rose Alliance frontperson Pye Jakobsson sitter i styrelsen för en strippklubb där hon också har haft ansvar för strippornas schema. Pye Jakobsson grundade Rose Alliance – Riksorganisationen för sex- och erotikarbetare – 2001, som en reaktion mot sexköpslagen. Samma år satte hon sig också i styrelsen för Flirt Fashion AB som driver en mindre strippklubb i centrala Stockholm.
"Rose Alliance ger bilden av vara en medlemsstyrd organisation som främst arbetar för att på frivillig basis ge stöd till personer i prostitution och stärka deras egen röst i prostitutionsdebatten. Organisationen är emot sexköpslagen, men det politiska arbetet beskrivs som sekundärt.Men Anna Berg ger en annan bild av Rose Alliance.
– Den är toppstyrd, det är några få själar som driver allt. Rose Alliance är i princip Pye Jakobsson.
Förutom en säkerhetsguide har Anna Berg inte sett något konkret arbete för att hjälpa medlemmarna. I stället menar hon att det är den politiska agendan som är i fokus.
– Organisationen lobbar för att prostitution är något okomplicerat, att det är som ett vanligt jobb, säger Anna Berg.
I storstäderna finns kommunala stödcenter som erbjuder hjälp åt personer i prostitution. Inom Rose Alliance propagerar man mot Stockholms prostitutionsenhet och säger att den bara vill få folk att sluta, berättar Anna berg.
– När en medlem kraschade var det inte Rose Alliance som ställde upp, det var Stockholms prostitutionsenhet. De har hjälpt henne med samtalsstöd, med att ordna jobb och lägenhet, så jag har förstått att de inte är så fruktansvärda, säger Anna Berg."
"Our Great Hobby" An Analysis of Online Networks for Buyers of Sex in Illinois.
En helt ny undersøgelse af sexkunderne, udgivet af Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation.
Advokaten 7. Menneskehandler eller bare handlet?
"Udlændingestyrelsen er for nylig vendt rundt på en tallerken – faktisk samtidig med at Styrelsen blev underlagt Justitsministeriet – og vil ikke længere foretage identifikation af ofre, hvis der er rejst tiltale. Det er nu i stedet domstolene, som skal træffe beslutning om, hvorvidt den tiltalte er offer for menneskehandel eller ej. Konsekvensen er, at denne ændring lægger en ganske betydelig opgave hos forsvareren i relation til at løfte beviset for, at klienten faktisk er offer for grov kriminalitet og menneskerettighedskrænkelser"
Anonym tidligere prostitueret på Scottish Coalition Against Sexual Exploitation (SCASE)
"The idea that punters have respect for working girls is a laugh. The way they weigh us up, pick us for whatever turns them on, make us line up and have to act like we want them to have sex with us. Its a joke. Its worse than a joke actually – its a complete market place. How does this make men look at women in a good way? We are just like another item on an Amazon wish list to be ticked off when they have had sex with us. Paid for sex that is. These men do not respect or even like us all that much but we have to act like they are the most sexy and attractive men ever. "
Locations - områder i USA, hvor man decideret går efter kunderne i stedet for de prostituerede.
'Mega brothel' has industry support.
"She says it is private prostitutes stealing regular clients who do the most damage to their business.
"I don't think privates should be legal in New Zealand. They're the reason why brothels aren't making money. They're the ones stealing clients from parlours and going and doing privates with them. You know, girls coming into parlours, working a couple of nights, taking our clients and going and doing privates in hotels.""
The Red Light Report Towards A Human Rights Approach To Prostitution In Australia
"Perhaps those groups that claim to represent the interests of prostitutes – that claim to be working against the marginalisation of sex workers and the social discrimination they experience, can answer this question. In what distorted universe is it acceptable for a working woman to be discriminated against in the workplace because of her breast size, or the shape of her arse, or her age, or her weight, or her height, or because she has cellulite on her thighs?"
Tania Fiolleau: Ex-madam says happy hookers don't exist.
"But yes, there is abuse on these women who are in high-class brothels as most are owned by criminal organizations such as the Russian mob, Triads, Hells Angels etc. These organizations pimp on and traffic these women. "
Pressemeddelelse EWL: "200 civil society organisations launch European debate on the abolition of prostitution"
Safety in the Sex Industry. Undersøgelse fra 2003, der sætter spørgsmålstegn ved begrebet 'sikker sex' ved brug af kondomer.
"The study of the safety of sex workers in the sex industry is complicated by several factors.
The industry operates in an illegal environment, and even where prostitution is formally
legalised certain sectors of the industry remain illegal. For example, in Victoria brothel
prostitution is legal whereas street prostitution is not. Because of these variations in legality,
obtaining accurate information from sex workers about their risk behaviours, typically by selfreport, is very difficult."
"Brothel workers experienced objectionable behaviour of the following form from clients:
objection to condoms 9.7%; obsessive desire for a particular worker 53.2%; menaces and
threats 12.1%; nuisance phone calls 21%; harassment without violence 21%; robbery without
violence 4%; robbery with violence 4%; rape at work 6.5%; bashing or stabbing 7.2%32
Previous research showed much higher rates, with 20% of sex workers being raped at work,
and 33% otherwise assaulted33. More recently, in a study of street workers in New South
Wales, 75% reported experiencing violence at work34. In New Zealand, where prostitution is
not illegal but some associated activities are, indoor (brothel) sex workers reported similar
adverse experiences, including 46% of clients refusing to pay (after service given).35 These
forms of abuse are not unexpected because the sex industry is characterized by inequality in the
relationship between sex worker and client.36"
9. Conclusion
The sex industry is one marked by a high level of inherent harm that has remained despite
efforts to legalise the trade. "
Netherlands: Many Chinese massage parlours are a front for prostitution
"Some 50% of the Chinese massage parlours in the Netherlands are a front for illegal brothels, according to the results of a two-year investigation by the public prosecution department."
Operation Sneep: "The frayed edges of licensed prostitution.
” The problem of human trafficking in the Netherlands . OSCE - Inge Schepers, Public Prosecutor, National Public Prosecutors’ Office Rotterdam, based in Zwolle .
Sex slave traffickers are profiting from misery of sauna girls.
"Last night, anti-trafficking organisation TARA confirmed they had helped women who escaped from saunas where they had been forced to work as prostitutes."
Europe's biggest brothel – complete with coach parking – to open in Austria.
" "the number of females" and the "affordable prices" will "ensure absolute satisfaction for male customers"..
Putting the brakes on the legalization of prostitution. "
"They're trying to say that with legalization comes better protection of women involved in prostitution," said Malarek. "They talk about harm reduction but they don't talk about harm elimination because you can never eliminate harm from prostitution. Women will be raped, beaten and killed, it doesn't matter where in prostitution it is. It is inherently dangerous."
“Inquiry into the Exploitation of Women through Trafficking”. Exodus Cry om situationen i Australien, særligt NSW og Victoria.
"Extensive research has proven that legal (or decriminalized) approaches to prostitution
increase human trafficking. A quantitative empirical analysis for a cross-section of up to
150 countries has shown that, on average, countries with legalized prostitution
experience a larger degree of human trafficking inflows.11 When prostitution is legal or
decriminalized the market for prostituted people is drastically expanded. The link
between legal prostitution and human trafficking in Australia was highlighted in the U.S.
State Department's 1999 Country Report on Human Rights Practices, released by the
Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor. The report noted that “Trafficking in
East Asian women for the sex trade is a growing problem. Immigration and federal
police have developed profiles and identified trends in the industry, but lax laws--
including legalized prostitution in parts of the country--make (anti-trafficking)
enforcement difficult at the working level.”"
Extensive human trafficking ring cracked.
"An extensive human trafficking ring spanning four cantons has been cracked.
Around 50 women and transexuals from Thailand had been forced into prostitution in Switzerland.
The victims came mostly from poor families and were working to pay off debts to those running the rings.
One of the women concerned contacted Bern cantonal police in 2010, saying she was being held against her will."
Prostitution en Suisse, les cantons veulent dialoguer. Lidt om situationen i Schweiz, der har legal prostitution.
"“Society tends to blame sex workers for the spread of STD but our survey shows that they are the victims. It’s the clients that are to blame,” she stressed. Authorities should pay more attention to educating clients on the true danger of unprotected sex, the scholar added."
"But the most dramatic finding of the survey was the widespread prevalence of sexual violence in the industry.
More than 40 percent of Chinese prostitutes said they were forced to have sex with clients. Almost half (46.4 percent) have experienced verbal violence and 17 percent suffered serious physical violence.
“Some are severely abused as the clients think there is no punishment,” Choi bemoaned. In most cases the cases of assault or rape are not reported because the women – all in Macau on two-week tourist visas – are aware that they are working illegally."
"On EU Anti Trafficking Day, Irish trade unions have lent their support to theTurn Off the Red Light campaign, to jointly call on Irish politicians to take swift action to end sex trafficking and exploitation. We support the Turn Off the Red Light campaign and believe the best way to end the human rights abuses which are taking place in every county in Ireland is to target demand by making it illegal to pay for sex. We reject the notion that the traffickers, pimps and other criminals operating a sex ‘trade’ here will ever respect the rights of workers"
The mental health of female sex workers -
Schweizisk undersøgelse fra 2010 af 193 prostituerede.
"Results: The 193 interviewed female sex workers displayed high rates of mental disorders. These mental disorders were related to violence and the subjectively perceived burden of sex work. Conclusion: Sex work is a major public health problem. It has many faces, but ill mental health of sex workers is primarily related to different forms of violence."
"A lobby group dedicated to turning prostitution into an acceptable profession while working to combat violence and exploitation has gone bankrupt, BNR radio said on Friday.De Rode Draad (red thread) was declared bankrupt earlier this week and its office has been closed since Thursday, BNR said.
The group's financial problems have been caused by the withdrawal of subsidies because of spending cuts. Donations have also gone done because of the economic crisis, spokeswoman Metje Blaak told news agency ANP."
"En stor gruppe piger har så forkvaklet et forhold til sex, at de ender som delvist prostituerede. Gråzoneprostitution kaldes fænomenet blandt forskere og opsøgende medarbejdere. En konference har netop forsøgt at indkredse problemet, som mangler bevågenhed"
Bagmænd får millioner: Piger i Odense sælger sig selv.
"Ifølge avisens oplysninger tjener pigerne i omegnen af 100.000 kroner hjem hver måned, men når først bagmændene har fået deres andel, er det kun brøkdele af beløbet tilbage til pigerne selv.
- Det, der bliver tilbage til kvinden, ligger typisk i størrelsesordnen 2.000-3.000 kroner per måned, siger journalist og forfatter Jens Høvsgaard. Han har skrevet bogen ”Solgt til sex”, som bygger på flere års research i prostitutionsmiljøet. "
EkstraBladet annoncerer for menneskehandlere og alfonser
"Ekstra Bladet har bragt annoncer for næsten 75 procent af de bordeller, hvor en bagmand i dag er sigtet, tiltalt eller dømt for rufferi eller menneskehandel. Ekspert i strafferet mener, at retspraksis bør ændres, så medier kan straffes for annoncerne."
Efterveerne af en Borderline-struktur. Tanja Rahms hudløse ærlige og meget barske fortælling om hvordan hun kom ind i prostitution.
Brothel bribes confront council officers.
"The ability to control sexual health practices and the weeding out of criminal and exploitative prostitution operators was a key reason for the decriminalisation of the sex industry in most Australian states.
However the relative strength of the Australian dollar has made for a more lucrative market for illegal operators who routinely source labour from poorer overseas countries and bring in bonded foreign sex workers under the cover of international student or tourist visas."
"Arnold Plickert, Landeschef und stellvertretender Bundeschef der Gewerkschaft der Polizei, kritisiert: "Das Gesetz war ein Schuss in den Ofen. Es war zwar gut gemeint, hat aber die Kriminalität gefördert." Der Zwangsprostitution seien Tür und Tor geöffnet worden. "Die Polizei darf die Bordelle nicht mehr so einfach kontrollieren wie noch vor dem Gesetz, weil jetzt ja so ziemlich alles legal ist, was darin passiert. "
"Ordnungsbehörden zufolge werden in Deutschland jedes Jahr geschätzte 14,5 Milliarden Euro mit Prostitution umgesetzt, mehr als 1,2 Millionen Männer nehmen täglich die Dienstleistungen von Prostituierten in Anspruch. Für NRW gibt es keine seriösen Zahlen. Das Geld fließt in die Kassen von kriminellen Organisationen, nur einen Bruchteil dürfen die Frauen behalten. In NRW kontrollieren allen voran Rockerbanden das Rotlichtgewerbe.
Die verfeindeten Motorradclubs Hells Angels und Bandidos haben ihre Territorien fernab von Recht und Gesetz untereinander klar abgesteckt. Während die Bandidos das Ruhrgebiet kontrollieren, beanspruchen die Hells Angels das Rheinland für sich. Doch in Duisburg überschneiden sich ihre Interessen. "Die Stadt spielt wegen des großen Rotlichtviertels eine zentrale Rolle in der Szene", erklärt Rettinghaus. Die Bandidos haben dort mit dem "Fat Mexican" seit Jahren eines ihrer größten "Chapter" (Untervereine) in Deutschland. Sie wollen damit ihren Machtanspruch untermauern. Jedoch drängen seit einiger Zeit auch die Hells Angels in die Stadt. Im Kampf um die Vorherrschaft im Duisburger Milieu lieferten sich beide Lager schon Massenschlägereien. Und Schießereien."
Opfer von Kinderprostitution werden immer jüngerVergessen und missbraucht:
Deutschland wird zum Markt für Menschenhändler.
"Tausende Kinder und Jugendliche werden jährlich zur Prostitution gezwungen. Die Opfer werden immer jünger. Ein Gesetz ließ lange auf sich warten. Nun soll ein Entwurf der Bundesregierung die Täter strenger bestrafen – doch immer noch nicht hart genug, kritisieren Verbände."
Rapporten "Udenlandske kvinder i prostitution i Danmark - Migrantprostituerede og ofre for menneskehandel " udgivet af Center Mod Menneskehandel.
»Du skal være taknemmelig for, at jeg spreder mine ben, så du kan gå til fodbold«
"Den glorificering, der har været af prostitution, er så langt ude og på grænsen til det kvalmende. Tænk, at man stiller det op i de ’lykkelige’ og ’ulykkelige’ prostituerede, det er så snæversynet, utilstrækkeligt og moralsk forkasteligt for os, der har været en del af det. "
Chris Fallesen 23 år, konsulent og søn af eks-prostitueret
"Vi bliver tit bebrejdet, at vi overlader til en bestemt gruppe kvinder i prostitution – dem, der kalder sig sexarbejdere – at tale på vegne af alle kvinder i prostitution. Men vi magter næsten ikke at stå frem. Det tager alle kræfter at komme videre i et liv uden prostitution. Det sidste, vi har brug for, er eksponering. Derfor skriver jeg dette brev anonymt.
Den historie, der fortælles af kvinder, der er aktive i prostitution, er meget anderledes end de historier, jeg hører fra kvinder, der forsøger at skabe sig et liv uden. Mit held var, at min veninde ruskede op i mig. Og at mine store børn bakkede mig op. Og at jeg fandt Svanegrupperne (et tilbud til kvinder, som ønsker at forlade prostitution, red.), for uden dem var jeg ikke nået dertil, hvor jeg i dag kan skrive til dig."
Thailandsk ægtepar dømt for menneskehandel.
Nationalcoalition push to change sex laws.
"Nordic Model Australia Coalition (NORMAC) has today launched its campaign to overhaul prostitution laws in Australia. NORMAC supports the introduction of more progressive legislation, modelled on the laws operating in Sweden since 1999 (the Nordic model legislation). This legislation decriminalises the sale of sex by prostituted persons, but makes the purchase of sexual services a criminal offence."
Sex in the City.
Liberales Prostitutionsgesetz: Wie Deutschland zum Puff Europas wurde. Tyskland er blevet et eldorado for alfonser og bordelejere.
"Anlässlich des 10-jährigen Bestehens des Prostitutionsgesetzes gab der Münchner Polizeipräsident Prof. Dr. Schmidbauer einen Überblick über die Auswirkungen auf das Rotlichtmilieu in München.
Von der allgemeinen Situation her gibt es in München aktuell 175 bordellartige Betriebe (teilen sich auf in 134 Bordellwohnungen, 24 Bordelle, 5 FKK-Clubs, 3 Laufhäuser, 8 SM-Studios und 1 Absteige) und 9 Anbahnungszonen. Im Jahr 2011 konnten insgesamt 2881 Prostituierte in München festgestellt werden, die dieser Tätigkeit nachgegangen sind. Als Vergleich kann herangezogen werden, dass im Jahr 2000 noch 1226 Prostituierte in einem Jahr in München kontrolliert wurden. Somit hat sich diese Anzahl in den dazwischen liegenden Jahren kontinuierlich erhöht, so dass sie sich mittlerweile mehr als verdoppelt hat. "
EU-Studie: Mehr Menschenhandel durch liberales Prostitutionsgesetz.
Union: Legalisierung von Prostitution war ein Fehler.
"„Es war ein Fehler, die Prostitution zu legalisieren“, sagte der CSU-Rechtsexperte Stephan Mayer der „Bild“-Zeitung vom Dienstag. Dies habe nur zu einer „Verbrechenszunahme im Rotlichtmilieu geführt“. Mayer fordert daher eine strengere Reglementierung des Sex-Gewerbes."
Conflicting numbers of Hamburg prostitutes.
"Jedes fünfte Opfer minderjährig".
CSU-Innenpolitiker Uhl: Zwangsprostituierte müssen Bleiberecht erhalten"
Uhl: „Prostitution zieht Kriminalität an
“ CSU-Politiker will Menschenhandel eindämmen. Die Union will das Prostitutionsgesetz verschärfen. Das Gesetz zur Liberalisierung der Prostitution wurde 2002 durch Rot-Grün auf den Weg gebracht. Das habe laut CDU/CSU zu mehr Zwangsprostitution und Menschenhandel geführt, anstatt die Prostituierten zu schützen. Stefanie Rebhan hat mit dem CSU-Innenpolitiker Hans-Peter Uhl über die Auswirkungen des alten Gesetzes und die geplanten Nachbesserungen gesprochen. "
Justice Minister Anna-Maja Henriksson is planning to push for a bill that would completely prohibit the purchase of sexual services, reports newspaper Helsingin Sanomat.
Finnish Interior Minister Päivi Räsänen in Favor of Criminalization of Purchasing Sex. Den finske indenrigsminister støtter et forbud mod købesex. Finland har ellrs kun haft et forbud mod køb af sex af handlede kvinder.
Norske erfaringer med købesex-forbud er ikke dårlige. Orientering DR P1 - hør udsendelsen hvori Ulla Edith Bjørndahl, der har lavet den nyeste rapport fra Prosenteret i Oslo bliver interviewet af Bjarke Hartmeyer Christiansen.
Danske fejlslutninger om prostitution og vold. Kvinderådets gennemgang og
konklusion af norske Pro Senters rapport.
French minister for women seeks abolition of prostitution in Europe
"Vi bliver tit bebrejdet, at vi overlader til en bestemt gruppe kvinder i prostitution – dem, der kalder sig sexarbejdere – at tale på vegne af alle kvinder i prostitution. Men vi magter næsten ikke at stå frem. Det tager alle kræfter at komme videre i et liv uden prostitution. Det sidste, vi har brug for, er eksponering. Derfor skriver jeg dette brev anonymt.
Den historie, der fortælles af kvinder, der er aktive i prostitution, er meget anderledes end de historier, jeg hører fra kvinder, der forsøger at skabe sig et liv uden. Mit held var, at min veninde ruskede op i mig. Og at mine store børn bakkede mig op. Og at jeg fandt Svanegrupperne (et tilbud til kvinder, som ønsker at forlade prostitution, red.), for uden dem var jeg ikke nået dertil, hvor jeg i dag kan skrive til dig."
Thailandsk ægtepar dømt for menneskehandel.
"Med trusler om vold og mafiadrab har et ægtepar fra Frederikshavn holdt thailandske prostituerede i et jerngreb. Det koster dem nu en dom for menneskehandel".
"An article from the Age newspaper called ‘Curbing Crime in the Sex Industry’ and published in 8/2/1999 discussed the increase in the number of legal brothels from 40 a decade ago to 94 today, along with 84 escort agencies. The article also stated that over 60,000 Victorian men spent $7 million on prostitution, with the legalised industry turning over more than $360 million a year.
"On the issue of brothel increases, Cameron Cox has stated that “Neither decriminalisation nor legalisation leads to an explosion in the sex industry.” This statement can clearly be refuted by statistics from the Australian Institute of Criminology which show that prior to 1984’s decriminalization there were around 150 brothels in Victoria. With police estimates that there are currently 400 illegal brothels in operation, alongside 100 legal brothels, this figure becomes a staggering 500 brothels. Statistically broken down, this figure would mean that Victoria has seen the increase of 25 new brothels in every 24 month period since 1984. "
Nationalcoalition push to change sex laws.
"Nordic Model Australia Coalition (NORMAC) has today launched its campaign to overhaul prostitution laws in Australia. NORMAC supports the introduction of more progressive legislation, modelled on the laws operating in Sweden since 1999 (the Nordic model legislation). This legislation decriminalises the sale of sex by prostituted persons, but makes the purchase of sexual services a criminal offence."
Sex in the City.
"Illegal brothels are flourishing in Melbourne and the authorities are struggling to stop them.
SHE had signed up to work in a brothel. But when Jessica arrived in Australia from south-east Asia, the young mother didn’t expect that her passport would be confiscated or that she would have to work off a debt to her traffickers. She didn’t know that she would have to live inside the brothel, on-call 24-hours a day, forced to have unprotected sex with countless men.
If she had, she says, she would have continued working at the brothel in her home country, where she was barely earning enough to pay off rising medical bills.
“They said it would be the same as in my country,” Jessica recalls. “They said it was safe. But I had to do everything. All of this with no condoms.”
Liberales Prostitutionsgesetz: Wie Deutschland zum Puff Europas wurde. Tyskland er blevet et eldorado for alfonser og bordelejere.
"Der Markt für Billigsex in Deutschland blüht. Nach Schätzungen gehen 1,2 Millionen Männer jeden Tag zur Prostituierten. Die Frauen kommen meist aus Osteuropa, die Milliardengewinne stecken sich oft Bordellbetreiber und Zuhälter in die Tasche. Bordelle werben mit "20 Minuten Sex für 20 Euro - der Spartarif im Discountpuff“ oder "Sex so oft du willst, solange du willst und wie du willst" - zum Flatrate-Preis von 70 Euro." Seit Einführung des Prostitutionsgesetzes im Jahr 2002 ist das alles legal."
"Anlässlich des 10-jährigen Bestehens des Prostitutionsgesetzes gab der Münchner Polizeipräsident Prof. Dr. Schmidbauer einen Überblick über die Auswirkungen auf das Rotlichtmilieu in München.
Von der allgemeinen Situation her gibt es in München aktuell 175 bordellartige Betriebe (teilen sich auf in 134 Bordellwohnungen, 24 Bordelle, 5 FKK-Clubs, 3 Laufhäuser, 8 SM-Studios und 1 Absteige) und 9 Anbahnungszonen. Im Jahr 2011 konnten insgesamt 2881 Prostituierte in München festgestellt werden, die dieser Tätigkeit nachgegangen sind. Als Vergleich kann herangezogen werden, dass im Jahr 2000 noch 1226 Prostituierte in einem Jahr in München kontrolliert wurden. Somit hat sich diese Anzahl in den dazwischen liegenden Jahren kontinuierlich erhöht, so dass sie sich mittlerweile mehr als verdoppelt hat. "
EU-Studie: Mehr Menschenhandel durch liberales Prostitutionsgesetz.
"Der Chef der Augsburger Kriminalpolizei Klaus Bayerl hält eine Gesetzesänderung für dringend erforderlich: "Deutschland ist zum Eldorado für Zuhälter und Bordellbetreiber geworden. Laut Gesetz dürfen sie den Frauen sogar Anweisungen erteilen, und wir als Polizei können nur zuschauen. Die Ausbeutung der Frauen geht also immer weiter.""
Union: Legalisierung von Prostitution war ein Fehler.
"„Es war ein Fehler, die Prostitution zu legalisieren“, sagte der CSU-Rechtsexperte Stephan Mayer der „Bild“-Zeitung vom Dienstag. Dies habe nur zu einer „Verbrechenszunahme im Rotlichtmilieu geführt“. Mayer fordert daher eine strengere Reglementierung des Sex-Gewerbes."
Conflicting numbers of Hamburg prostitutes.
"HAMBURG, Germany, Oct. 4 (UPI) -- Politicians in Hamburg, Germany, said there are 29 registered prostitutes working in the city, though Hamburg police say the number is closer to 2,400.
Read more:"
"Jedes fünfte Opfer minderjährig".
.."Die Verfolgung der Täter gestaltet sich nach wie vor schwierig. "Eine Vielzahl der Verfahren wird eingestellt, weil die Opfer nicht als Zeugen zur Verfügung stehen", sagte Ziercke. Nur 18 Prozent der Tatverdächtigen würden in Deutschland verurteilt. "Wir gehen daher von einem erheblichen Dunkelfeld aus", sagte Ziercke."
CSU-Innenpolitiker Uhl: Zwangsprostituierte müssen Bleiberecht erhalten"
“Es war ein völliger Fehlgriff des Gesetzgebers, zu glauben, durch die Abschaffung der Sittenwidrigkeit Prostituierten helfen zu können”, erklärte Uhl. “Man hat den Zuhältern geholfen und den Prostituierten geschadet”."
Uhl: „Prostitution zieht Kriminalität an
“ CSU-Politiker will Menschenhandel eindämmen. Die Union will das Prostitutionsgesetz verschärfen. Das Gesetz zur Liberalisierung der Prostitution wurde 2002 durch Rot-Grün auf den Weg gebracht. Das habe laut CDU/CSU zu mehr Zwangsprostitution und Menschenhandel geführt, anstatt die Prostituierten zu schützen. Stefanie Rebhan hat mit dem CSU-Innenpolitiker Hans-Peter Uhl über die Auswirkungen des alten Gesetzes und die geplanten Nachbesserungen gesprochen. "
Justice Minister Anna-Maja Henriksson is planning to push for a bill that would completely prohibit the purchase of sexual services, reports newspaper Helsingin Sanomat.
Finnish Interior Minister Päivi Räsänen in Favor of Criminalization of Purchasing Sex. Den finske indenrigsminister støtter et forbud mod købesex. Finland har ellrs kun haft et forbud mod køb af sex af handlede kvinder.
Norske erfaringer med købesex-forbud er ikke dårlige. Orientering DR P1 - hør udsendelsen hvori Ulla Edith Bjørndahl, der har lavet den nyeste rapport fra Prosenteret i Oslo bliver interviewet af Bjarke Hartmeyer Christiansen.
"Pro-Sentrets rapport finder som nævnt ikke en signifikant stigning i voldsforekomsten i prostitution efter indførelsen af sexkøbsloven i Norge. De to undersøgelser som rapporten er baseret på, indeholder imidlertid en række metodiske problemer, der i det hele taget gør det vanskeligt at bruge rapportens konklusioner. Som eksempler kan nævnes.
- I ingen af de to undersøgelser er der tale om repræsentative grupper af prostituerede. F.eks. er thaiprostituerede overrepræsenteret i undersøgelsen fra 2012 og nigerianske prostituerede i undersøgelsen fra 2008..
- Respondenterne er ikke udtaget tilfældigt, men er udvalgt af Pro-Sentrets medarbejdere, og deres kontakter, som kender flere af kvinderne.
- Mange af de udenlandske prostituerede, der udgør den helt overvejende del af de adspurgte kvinder, flytter ofte mellem lande og opholder sig kun i Norge i kortere tid. Når de derfor svarer på, om de har været udsat for vold i en bestemt tidsperiode, kan svarene afspejle voldsepisoder der har fundet sted uden for Norge.
- Definitionen af vold er mere omfattende i spørgeskemaet fra 2012, hvad der i sig selv må formodes at føre til rapportering af flere voldsepisoder. "
French minister for women seeks abolition of prostitution in Europe
"Najat Vallaud-Belkacem to organise conference of experts on how to contain sex-trade and human-trafficking"
Speech by Kajsa Wahlberg, Swedish National Rapporteur on Trafficking in Human
Beings at the Conference on Trafficking in Human Beings and Prostitution “Global
Problems-Local and regional solutions”, Copenhagen, Denmark, March 23, 2012.
Statement by Kajsa Wahlberg, Swedish National Rapporteur on
Trafficking in Human Beings, Conference on the " Preventing and
Combating Trafficking in Human Beings and reducing prostitution and
sexual exploitation,” Plzen, The Czech Republic, June 3 2009.
Europa hælder til forbud mod købesex - Kvinfos Webmagasin
Does Legalized Prostitution Increase Human Trafficking?
Seo-Young Cho, Axel Dreher, Eric Neumayer
September 2011 (updated January 2012)
Undersøgelse af 150 landes prostitutionspolitik og antal traffickingsager.
Harm minimisation: Is that the best we can do
LivaRehab:Yildiz Akdogan vil hjælpe prostituerede
Den nye formand for LIVa- Forening mod skadevirkninger af prostitution, Yildiz Akdogan er klar til at arbejde mod skadevirkninger af prostitution.
Yildiz Akdogan, tidl. MF for socialdemokratiet, Anette Rix, tidl. leder af Reden København og kåret som årest Købehavner 2012 og Marion Pedersen, tidl. MF for venstre er alle tre valgt ind i bestyrelsen for Liva Rehab.
Men Against Prostitution.
A powerfull movement disputing the myths about men and prostitution. Working to change the mindset about gender based abuse
Ruhama Annual report 2011
Criminalise buying of sex. Cork City Council i Irland støtter op om et købesexforbu i landet. Dette er blot en af efterhånden mange kommuner i Irland, der vil have indført købesexforbuddet.
Samling af fransk- og engelsksprogede artikler om overlevere af prostitution og trafficking.
Prostitution : Enjeux politiques et sociétaux . Engelske og franske artikler om prostitution.
Prostitution : trafic et tourisme sexuel (french AND english)” Samling af engelske og franske artikler og undersøgelser om trafficking og sexturister.
Prostitution : le client prosti-tueur, LA cause du système(French AND English) . En stor samling af undersøgelser og artikler på engelsk og fransk, der alle har fokus på sexkunden.
First Annual Report of the Inter-Departmental Ministerial Group on Human Trafficking
udgivet i 2012.
The Price of Sex
Two little Girls.
Two Little Girls. Animationsfilm , To sande historier om piger, der bliver handlet til prostitution.
Polish consuls dismissed amid allegations of human trafficking
Polish consuls dismissed amid allegations of human trafficking. Polske konsuler har udstedt Schengen Visa til handlede kvinder fra Ukraine, så de uhindret kunne sendes direkte til prostitutionsmarkedet i Tyskland.
Buyer Beware
. Buyer Beware. En koordineret aktion rettet mod prostitutionskunderne i flere amerikanske stater.
New York har adopteret den nordiske model."
The street prostitution industry in the southern communities of Auckland
The need for legislative control to reflect the intent of the Prostitution Reform Act.
May 2012
Auckland, new Zealand. 2012
Organised Crime In New Zealand - 2010
"Organised crime groups in New Zealand have also been noted for their involvement in kidnapping for gain. In a recent example, a brothel client was kidnapped, threatened with violence and had a large amount of money withdrawn from their account. The brothel is believed to be one of several in the wider Auckland region run by an Asian organised crime syndicate. "
" Illegal migration continues to be facilitated by application fraud, the use of irregular travel documentation or the contravention of permits once an individual is in New Zealand. The presence of foreign nationals working illegally in New Zealand’s sex industry has also been identified."
Hollands største avis Volkskrant har udgivet artiklen 'De legalisering van prostitutie is een dekmantel voor seksuele slavernij' skrevet af Evelien Tonkens. Af den fremgår det at legaliseringen af prostitution er et flop.
Window Brothels Get the Red Light .
Russian roulette in the Red Light District
Russian roulette in the Red Light District. Patricia Perquin fortæller om sit liv i RLD i Amsterdam. Om volden, mistro til politiet og hvad prostitution gør ved kvinder. 12 år efter legaliseringen bruger den hollandske regering millioner af euro på exitprogrammer og hjælpeorganisationer, der skal få kvinder ud af sexindustrien.
Dutch experts reveal arduous task in battle against AIDS - problemer med kontrollen af prostituerede i den hollandske sexindustri.
Sex Trafficking in Netherlands - om vold, tvungne aborter, trusler mod familie osv.
Hollandsk sproget rapport fra 2008 om menneskehandel i Zandpad.
Scarlett Alliance Fails in Bid to Gag Professor
Israel cabinet approves bill that criminalizes soliciting prostitution. Israel vedtager den svenske model.
Canadiske Conseil de statut de la femme: Prostitution: Time to Take Action. maj 2012. Deres anbefaling til den canadiske regering omkring prostitutionslovgivning. Anbefalingen er klar efter en gennemgang af flere landes politik og resultater efter en legalisering af prostitutionsindustrien - at implementere den svenske model. "LLegitimizing prostitution represents a clear step backward with regard to equality, impacting the dignity and rights of all women, whether or not they are prostitutes."
Buying sex? It will cost you. Boston, Massachusetts. Slut med at købe sex. Den nordiske model breder sig til flere og flere stater rundt om i verden.
Irsk tv RTÉ One Primetime - Profiting From Prostitution. Irsk prostitutionsmiljø adskiller sig ikke meget fra det danske. Så det der foregår i Irland kan overføres til danske forhold.
The mental health of female sex workers. Ny undersøgelse fra 2009 af 193 prostituerede i Scweiz.
Nicht die Huren profitieren. Artikel af Deutschlandfunk i anledning af 10 året for den tyske prostitutionslovgivning. Vinderne af lovgivningen er bordelejerne. Taberne er de prostituerede.
Jody Raphael og Deborah L. Shapiro, Center for Impact Research, 2002. En grundig undersøgelse af helbredsproblemer og vold i prostitutionsindustrien. 222 kvinder har deltaget.
Fælles internationalt forum for tidligere prostituerede og traffickingofre.
Australske Project Respects annual reprt 2010/11 - om situationen på de Australske legale bordeller.
Asian sex workers being passed around Australian mining towns, Police say.
Asian sex workers being passed around Australian mining towns, police say. Asiatiske kvinder bliver med trusler om vold mod deres familier tvunget til at prostituere sig. Kvinderne bliver kontrolleret af organiserede kriminelle.. Dette finder sted i Queensland, der har legal prostitution.
Garden of Truth: The Prostitution and Trafficking of Native Women in Minnesota
Name and shame i Irland. 21 mænd er snuppet for køb af sex.
Statistiker Inge Henningsen: Også prostituerede har krav på retvisende statistik
Cuba follows Sweden to combat prostitution.
Legal brothels linked to international sex trafficking rings. Omfattende trafficking sager i legale bordeller i NSW og Victoria - ejet og drevet af organiserede dybt kriminelle kinesiske og russiske netværk.
Klip fra New Zealandsk tv - om den legale prostitutions lyksagligheder eller hvordan det er gået siden de legaliserede prostitution i 2003.
Ny rapport over kunder: - Men who buy sex with Adolescent Girls: A Scientific Research Study.
En reportage fra Tysk tv. FKKs bliver kontrolleret af østeuropæiske bagmænd, der ikke viger tilbage for at myrde deres modstandere. FKKs er højtbesungne OG benyttet af danske kunder.
Statement fra AWAN - de vil have indført den nordiske model i Canada.
Jackie Lynne fra canadiske Aboriginal Women's Action Network - Stop kunderne, indfør den svenske lov
Tidligere prostituerede og bordelejer Tania Fiolleau fra Canada advarer i udsendelsen Insight Live om konsekvenserne af en legalisering af prostitution. Både de fysiske, psykiske og kriminelle problemer fortsætter i den legale prostitution.
SFI's nyeste rapport Prostitution i Danmark - udgivet i 2011
Bagmænd sender rumænske prostituerede til Odense.
United Nations april 2011 - Et vigtigt signal fra UN: "We can end prostitution and trafficking for sexual exploitation now!"
Christina Christensen fortæller om sit liv i prostitution
HIV risk behavior among patients with co-occurring bipolar and substance use disorders: Associations with mania and drug abuse - Bipolar Disorder - en stor forekomst af mænd med bipolar disorder er prostitutionskunder.
Impact of Bipolar Disorder on Girls
Genital Human Papillomavirus
Psysical wellbeing for sex workers - guidelines for prostituerede i Queensland. "It is not uncommon for many sex workers to develop a hygiene obsession, involving excessive rubbing and scrubbing with often harsh soaps." Nøjagtigt det samme ses hos voldtægtsofre.
CNN's reportage fra Københavns og Stockholms RLD. Filmen taler for sig selv.
Fra Australien - Migration agents help prostitution rackets.
Hull prostitution cut by police clampdown
The price of Sex - klip fra prisvindende dokumentarfilm af Mimi Chakarova om østeuropæiske kvinder, der bliver handlet til bordeller i Vesten.
"Prostitution and Women's Equality: Imagining More for Women." En gennemgang af situationen i Holland, Tyskland, Australien og Sverige af Gunilla Ekberg ved en debat i Vancouver, Canada i marts 2011.
Marts 2011: Staten Colorado vil forbyde købesex
Speech by Kajsa Wahlberg, Swedish National Rapporteur on Trafficking in Human
Beings at the Conference on Trafficking in Human Beings and Prostitution “Global
Problems-Local and regional solutions”, Copenhagen, Denmark, March 23, 2012.
"First of all, I want to emphasize that the police in Sweden clearly understand the role of
the sex buyer as one of the most important actors – in fact the root cause - in the human
trafficking chain. Without men who wish to purchase a sexual service, the prostitution
industry and the networks that are responsible for its operation, could and would not
continue to operate. The market would be closed down. We want these male buyers to
take responsibility for their actions, and we do remind them, that in, addition to
seriously harming the victims, they support international organised crime with their
Before the law came into force, we were approached with concerns that if the purchase
of a sexual service would be prohibited, this would lead to increased violence against
women in prostitution. We have looked in to that specifically, but the police and the
social service do not report any increase of violence regarding this issue. After having
met with persons exploited in prostitution and different public agency representatives,
the Special Inquiry concurs that this is, indeed, not the case."
Statement by Kajsa Wahlberg, Swedish National Rapporteur on
Trafficking in Human Beings, Conference on the " Preventing and
Combating Trafficking in Human Beings and reducing prostitution and
sexual exploitation,” Plzen, The Czech Republic, June 3 2009.
"Before the law came into force, we were told that prohibiting men from buying sex should lead to much more violence against women in prostitution. We have looked in to that specifically, but the police and the social service do not report any increase of violence regarding this issue. Maybe because buyers want as little attention as possible and a buyer, who violates a prostituted woman, will face the risk that she can report him both for the violation and for buying sexual services. Believe me; most men do not take that risk. It should be noted that women in prostitution always risk to face violence from the pimps, traffickers and from buyers, with or without this kind of legislation."
Europa hælder til forbud mod købesex - Kvinfos Webmagasin
"Efter 12 år med forbud mod købesex i Sverige og legalisering af sex-industrien i Holland er det den svenske model, der trækker i Europa. Lovinitiativer er på vej i Frankrig og Irland, og selv Holland arbejder på at stramme reglerne for sexarbejde. Fokus i prostitutionsdebatten er ved at skifte fra den enkeltes frihed til en debat om et prostituerende system."
Does Legalized Prostitution Increase Human Trafficking?
Seo-Young Cho, Axel Dreher, Eric Neumayer
September 2011 (updated January 2012)
Undersøgelse af 150 landes prostitutionspolitik og antal traffickingsager.
Nicht die Huren profitieren
Zehn Jahre deutsches Prostitutionsgesetz Von Stefanie Meinecke
"Das merkt man - ihrer Ansicht nach - bereits an der Wortwahl: Begriffe wie "sexuelle Dienstleistung", "ältestes Gewerbe der Welt", "ein Job wie jeder andere" - all das kann und will Amelie nicht mehr hören.
"Diese Banalisierung macht mir krank. Das ist total banalisiert, total falsch. Ein Job wie ein anderer? Ich glaube nicht. Das ist nicht nur physisch, das ist seelisch."
So fällt auch Amelies Bilanz nach zehn Jahren Prostitutionsgesetz bitter aus:
"Für mich hat es absolut nix gebracht und ich kenne keine Prostituierte, die sagt: Wow, hat mir viel gebracht."
Harm minimisation: Is that the best we can do
"Prostitution was very rare in “primitive”, tribal, and traditional communities. People’s relationships occurred within intricately delineated kinship groups, they needed to avoid transgressing important taboos such as the incest taboo, and children were often absorbed into their father’s totem group. Though structures and beliefs varied children born without known fathers effectively belonged nowhere and without a totemic ancestor could be regarded as non-persons. Aboriginal societies were prostitution-less societies. It was only the intrusion of increasing numbers of foreign males without female companions—drovers, pastoralists, soldiers, traders, fishermen and sealers, bureaucrats, missionaries—who put pressures on traditional communities to provide women for sexual services and which led to the growing numbers of fatherless children who had no obvious place or role in such communities. Far from being part of the ‘glue’ holding communities together prostitution became a symptom of the breakdown of previously cohesive communities."
LivaRehab:Yildiz Akdogan vil hjælpe prostituerede
Den nye formand for LIVa- Forening mod skadevirkninger af prostitution, Yildiz Akdogan er klar til at arbejde mod skadevirkninger af prostitution.
Yildiz Akdogan, tidl. MF for socialdemokratiet, Anette Rix, tidl. leder af Reden København og kåret som årest Købehavner 2012 og Marion Pedersen, tidl. MF for venstre er alle tre valgt ind i bestyrelsen for Liva Rehab.
Prostitution, the abolition of the victim and post-modernism's defence of the status-quo
"Those who support prostitution though have of course never been ones for the facts. We see this idea of ‘unions’ coming from both the left and the right because it’s convenient, it gives prostitution a certain false legitimacy. It doesn’t work and it never will work, but it successfully diverts attention away from the deeper questions around prostitution and why it exists in our society.Related to this is the growth of the so-called ‘harm reduction’ lobby who have gained influence in recent years within a number of governments and international institutions. Ekman shows how this influence grew particularly around the time of the HIV/Aids epidemic of the 80s and 90s when the lobby was asked in by a number of organisations to determine policy on the issue. The International Labour Organisation (ILO) and World Health Organisation (WHO) have, for example, both come out in favour of legalising prostitution on the grounds that it will increase state revenues and make it easier to fight the spread of Aids. Both organisations, Ekman writes, have started using phrases such as “she is not a victim, but a subject” and have called prostitution “a women’s job which should be recognised”."
Former Prostitutes Wage War Against Prostitution
"A new non-profit group, made up of former prostitutes, is going after the legal and illegal prostitution industry in Nevada. The group, Nevada Coalition Against Sex Trafficking, is headed up by former Nye County Commissioner Candice Trummell, who says a brothel owner tried to bribe her. Another member of the group, Kathleen Mitchell, was a prostitute for 21 years."
Russian Region to Fine Clients of Prostitutes
"Men who buy sex in the Belgorod region in southern Russia now face a considerable fine, as well as public shaming into the bargain, local police reported on Thursday.A new bill passed by regional legislature introduces fines of 5,000 rubles ($150) for clients of Belgorod prostitutes, the local police force said on its website."
In Spain, Women Enslaved by a Boom in Brothel Tourism
"But Mr. Cortés said that people of maybe a dozen nationalities were involved in the trafficking. Until recently, for instance, the police in Barcelona did not even realize that Chinese mafias ran prostitution rings in the city. Then they began noticing more and more advertisements for Chinese, Japanese and Korean women — all of them, it turned out, Chinese — working in a network of about 30 brothels.The working conditions were brutal, Mr. Cortés said. On wiretaps, he said, “we listened to them complain that they needed to rest, they were in pain. But they had to keep working. One woman committed suicide after finding out she was H.I.V.-positive.”"
Sex tourism to Thailand and Indonesia driving rise in HIV cases
"Australian Medical Association Queensland president Dr Richard Kidd said the increase in WA and Queensland was likely due to the mining boom in those states. "Young men, isolated from their families, earning lots of money - and whether they are going to Thailand and having sex with prostitutes or whether prostitutes are coming in from other countries, the data doesn't quite tell us. "But they are both legitimate concerns." He said Thailand and Papua New Guinea had the highest rate of HIV per head of population, with 1300 out of every 100,000 people diagnosed with the disease in Thailand and 900 per 100,000 in PNG."
Men Against Prostitution.
A powerfull movement disputing the myths about men and prostitution. Working to change the mindset about gender based abuse
Ruhama Annual report 2011
52 Trafficking/Prostitution Survivors Vote to Support Irish Survivor Abolitionists’ Efforts
Survivors Connect Network, an international coalition of trafficking/prostitution survivors, has voted unanimously to stand with and support the goals of our Irish sister survivor abolitionists.
Council: Criminalise buying of sex
Criminalise buying of sex. Cork City Council i Irland støtter op om et købesexforbu i landet. Dette er blot en af efterhånden mange kommuner i Irland, der vil have indført købesexforbuddet.
Plans to change NI prostitution and trafficking laws
Proposed changes to the laws on prostitution and human trafficking in Northern Ireland are due to go out to public consultation later.
Samling af fransk- og engelsksprogede artikler om overlevere af prostitution og trafficking.
Prostitution : Enjeux politiques et sociétaux . Engelske og franske artikler om prostitution.
Prostitution : trafic et tourisme sexuel (french AND english)” Samling af engelske og franske artikler og undersøgelser om trafficking og sexturister.
Prostitution : le client prosti-tueur, LA cause du système(French AND English) . En stor samling af undersøgelser og artikler på engelsk og fransk, der alle har fokus på sexkunden.
First Annual Report of the Inter-Departmental Ministerial Group on Human Trafficking
udgivet i 2012.
""Globally, the number of source, transit and destination countries continues to grow and evolve as traffickers seek to avoid detection and exploit new and more profitable opportunities. Demand for cheap labour, cheap goods and services, and demand for prostitution or sexual services continues to provide a thriving environment for organised criminals to operate in. Tackling demand is therefore vital in the fight against human trafficking and is one of the most challenging areas for the UK to address."
The Price of Sex
The Price of Sex is a feature-length documentary about young Eastern European women who’ve been drawn into a netherworld of sex trafficking and abuse. Intimate, harrowing and revealing, it is a story told by the young women who were supposed to be silenced by shame, fear and violence. Photojournalist Mimi Chakarova, who grew up in Bulgaria, takes us on a personal investigative journey, exposing the shadowy world of sex trafficking from Eastern Europe to the Middle East and Western Europe.
Two little Girls.
Two Little Girls. Animationsfilm , To sande historier om piger, der bliver handlet til prostitution.
Aboriginal women are overrepresented in the sex trade. Is there a way out?
Aboriginal women are overrepresented in the sex trade. Is there a way out?. "Smiley says that the idea that women simply ‘choose’ sex work as a career is offensive. “If that were the case, then that would mean that native women and girls just like to have sex with strangers way more than white women do, like in disproportionate numbers,” she said. “It feeds into racist myths that say we’re savage, uncontrollable, unintelligent, sexualized bodies, and that’s not true—native women and girls are so much more than that.” "
Behind the Smile
Polish consuls dismissed amid allegations of human trafficking
Polish consuls dismissed amid allegations of human trafficking. Polske konsuler har udstedt Schengen Visa til handlede kvinder fra Ukraine, så de uhindret kunne sendes direkte til prostitutionsmarkedet i Tyskland.
Buyer Beware
. Buyer Beware. En koordineret aktion rettet mod prostitutionskunderne i flere amerikanske stater.
Anti-Sex Trade Turns to Focus on Men Who Buy Sex
""Historically, the supplier has been the one punitively handled in the criminal justice system and the john would just get a slap on the wrist," said Hatcher.That began to change when the first school for johns, know as the First Offender Prostitution Program, opened in San Francisco in the mid-1990s.
Today, approximately 40 john schools serving 50 communities exist nationwide. Though "john school" is the generic term for educational programs for men who engage in transactional sex, each course has its own formal title, such as Chicago's Ammend Program."
Prosecutors Focus on Pimps and Clients, Instead of Prostitutes
"Under the old charges, pimps typically faced up to 15 years in prison for promoting prostitution with an adult. The newer sex trafficking charge carries a maximum sentence of 25 years. Also under the new law, the customers who pay adult prostitutes for sex face up to one year in jail, up from 90 days. ""
Dear John: US police use public humiliation to fight prostitution
Dear John: US police use public humiliation to fight prostitution. "It concluded that the most effective way to curb prostitution is to target demand, going after prospective customers instead of seeking out the supply side – the prostitutes. “Where demand is strong, interfering with supply chains usually results in shifting to other sources or other means of distribution,” the report states. “The ‘service gap’ is too great to close by addressing supply only.”"
Key weighs in on NZ 'sex hotel'
Key weighs in on NZ 'sex hotel'. "Prime Minister John Key said he didn't think prostitution law reform had worked in New Zealand."
Underage Maori and Pacific girls in NZ getting involved in Prostitution
The street prostitution industry in the southern communities of Auckland
The need for legislative control to reflect the intent of the Prostitution Reform Act.
May 2012
"“Street prostitutes appear to have no understanding of acceptable social conduct but every understanding of their rights.”
Black market brothels thriving in Hamilton
Black market brothels thriving in Hamilton. "A Waikato Times investigation has uncovered Hamilton's thriving illicit sex trade, with at least four black market brothels allegedly offering sex for money outside the law. Revelations that men are also paying for unprotected sex in unregulated brothels in the city have appalled public and sexual health experts, who are "hugely concerned"."
Chinese prostitutes worry sex industry
Chinese prostitutes worry sex industry "Candice is one of the many illegal prostitutes who arrive in New Zealand either on a visitor or student visa to work in the sex industry. The arrival of illegal Chinese sex workers have driven an industry that has been decriminalised back underground, says the New Zealand Prostitutes Collective. "We're now looking at two industries - an industry which is supported by decriminalisation, and an industry which is having to be underground again," said Catherine Healey, the collective's national co-ordinator, when asked how Chinese sex workers have influenced the sex industry here."
Gangs force sex trade on underage girls
Auckland, new Zealand. 2012
Baker said one girl had been made to have sex at Black Power pads around the country and another was taken from Tauranga to Auckland to work in a brothel.
The girl was locked in a room and Baker said she never saw any of the money the whole time she worked there.
Baker said it was difficult for police to uncover the gang connection because the teenagers were too scared to admit it.
"This fear is often far stronger than the fear they feel for police or other government agencies, as they are often threatened or stood-over, making it even harder for police and other authorities to prove what's going on," she said.
Organised Crime In New Zealand - 2010
"Organised crime groups in New Zealand have also been noted for their involvement in kidnapping for gain. In a recent example, a brothel client was kidnapped, threatened with violence and had a large amount of money withdrawn from their account. The brothel is believed to be one of several in the wider Auckland region run by an Asian organised crime syndicate. "
" Illegal migration continues to be facilitated by application fraud, the use of irregular travel documentation or the contravention of permits once an individual is in New Zealand. The presence of foreign nationals working illegally in New Zealand’s sex industry has also been identified."
German brothel blackmailed rich and famous clients
"A massive police investigation into the activities of three brothel owners, all of whom are now under arrest, has unearthed an apparent system of systematic theft that snared TV stars, sports starts, business executives and, allegedly, a German prince.One of men arrested was Bert Wollersheim. Dubbed the Red Light King, the 61-year-old shot to national prominence as the star of a fly-on-the-wall documentary about his life and business, and managed to get a following of over 8,000 on his Facebook page"
Meet the oldest prostitutes in Amsterdam – they're 70-year-old twins
""There are few Dutch women and no sense of community these days," she says. The legalisation of brothels in 2000 has not improved prostitutes' lives, in Martine's opinion. "There is no point working just for tax. That is why the girls are working from the internet and from home – you are less likely to be spotted by the taxman. The whole family used to live off your earnings and now the tax office comes up with crazy amounts you have to pay. It is better for the pimps and the foreigners, but not the Dutch girls. The vultures came in 2000. Organised criminals. They thought, ahah, it is legalised. Now we are OK.""
'De legalisering van prostitutie is een dekmantel voor seksuele slavernij'
Hollands største avis Volkskrant har udgivet artiklen 'De legalisering van prostitutie is een dekmantel voor seksuele slavernij' skrevet af Evelien Tonkens. Af den fremgår det at legaliseringen af prostitution er et flop.
Window Brothels Get the Red Light .
"Jan is a beat police officer assigned to the red-light district. I meet him at 1am as he is checking the window brothels by tapping on them and asking the women if there are "any problems". He is nervous about giving me his full name; he tells me that his chiefs have become increasingly sensitive to criticism. "People are starting to hear that our system has a lot of crime and a lot of violence against the working girls linked to it," he says. "The trafficking problem, and the Turkish loverboys, they are all coming to the surface now. Really we have allowed it by being too adventurous with allowing prostitution to be such an attraction to our city."
Russian roulette in the Red Light District
Russian roulette in the Red Light District. Patricia Perquin fortæller om sit liv i RLD i Amsterdam. Om volden, mistro til politiet og hvad prostitution gør ved kvinder. 12 år efter legaliseringen bruger den hollandske regering millioner af euro på exitprogrammer og hjælpeorganisationer, der skal få kvinder ud af sexindustrien.
Dutch experts reveal arduous task in battle against AIDS - problemer med kontrollen af prostituerede i den hollandske sexindustri.
" She and her colleagues visit legal and illegal escort houses on a weekly basis in order to build up trust with the workers and to talk to them about the dangers of their sexual behavior .The job is an extremely difficult one with many constraints .
First of all ,there is language barrier .Most male sex workers are from Eastern Europe and Brazil and speak poor English .
" When I communicate with them I try to use Translate on my smartphone ,through a translator or I use nonverbal communication ,"Anna said .
Once the first contact is made ,Anna would begin to teach them the dangers of STD and HIV as well as other daily problems for these sex workers ,many of whom are illegal ." As soon as they understand the risks of their sex behavior I will propose them to get tested on HIV /STD .But as soon as I know the results ,most boys are already transferred to other houses in the region or abroad ,"Anna said .
It is extremely difficult to keep in touch with these workers ,to follow them up closely and to provide them with the treatment they need .
Moreover ,it is almost impossible to say how many of these sex workers operate in the Netherlands ,said Marieke Ridder ,program leader of the Prostitution Program Soa /Aids in the Netherlands .
" There are rough estimates of 25,000sex workers nationwide ,but because this group is constantly relocated ,no accurate figures are available .This makes it extremely hard to develop custom-made campaigns ,"she added ."
Sex Trafficking in Netherlands - om vold, tvungne aborter, trusler mod familie osv.
Alkmaar residents: ban all hooker windows
The residents’ group says prostitution causes too much public misconduct. It also says a criminal atmosphere hangs over the area, and police are not able to control the situation. These are the three main arguments put forward in the petition to the Council of State, an government advisory body charged with studying all new legislation.
Hollandsk sproget rapport fra 2008 om menneskehandel i Zandpad.
Scarlett Alliance Fails in Bid to Gag Professor
In the weeks leading up to Professor Jeffreys brief visit to Tasmania, Scarlett Alliance contacted Whistleblowers Tasmania, Hobart Quakers and the Tasmanian University Law School in an attempt to have a planned Public Forum and Staff Seminar cancelled. These attempts took the form of telephone calls and emails and included a barrage of accusations against Professor Jeffreys in order to discredit and attack her professional integrity. In addition, a threat was made to “smear” the Quakers (The Religious Society of Friends) if they did not cancel the Public Forum at the Friends Meeting House.
Indoors isn't safer: Former prostitutes""Indoors isn't safer," MacLeod said. "It is complete hell inside and the customer is always right. They can beat you and take your money.
"I suffered for 17 years at the hands of men," said MacLeod."The location didn't make us safer, the men who we were with made us unsafe," she said. "Even if there is a panic button in the room, how do you get to it?""
Israel cabinet approves bill that criminalizes soliciting prostitution
Israel cabinet approves bill that criminalizes soliciting prostitution. Israel vedtager den svenske model.
Canadiske Conseil de statut de la femme: Prostitution: Time to Take Action. maj 2012. Deres anbefaling til den canadiske regering omkring prostitutionslovgivning. Anbefalingen er klar efter en gennemgang af flere landes politik og resultater efter en legalisering af prostitutionsindustrien - at implementere den svenske model. "LLegitimizing prostitution represents a clear step backward with regard to equality, impacting the dignity and rights of all women, whether or not they are prostitutes."
Buying sex? It will cost you. Boston, Massachusetts. Slut med at købe sex. Den nordiske model breder sig til flere og flere stater rundt om i verden.
Irsk tv RTÉ One Primetime - Profiting From Prostitution. Irsk prostitutionsmiljø adskiller sig ikke meget fra det danske. Så det der foregår i Irland kan overføres til danske forhold.
The mental health of female sex workers. Ny undersøgelse fra 2009 af 193 prostituerede i Scweiz.
Nicht die Huren profitieren. Artikel af Deutschlandfunk i anledning af 10 året for den tyske prostitutionslovgivning. Vinderne af lovgivningen er bordelejerne. Taberne er de prostituerede.
Jody Raphael og Deborah L. Shapiro, Center for Impact Research, 2002. En grundig undersøgelse af helbredsproblemer og vold i prostitutionsindustrien. 222 kvinder har deltaget.
Fælles internationalt forum for tidligere prostituerede og traffickingofre.
Australske Project Respects annual reprt 2010/11 - om situationen på de Australske legale bordeller.
Asian sex workers being passed around Australian mining towns, Police say.
Asian sex workers being passed around Australian mining towns, police say. Asiatiske kvinder bliver med trusler om vold mod deres familier tvunget til at prostituere sig. Kvinderne bliver kontrolleret af organiserede kriminelle.. Dette finder sted i Queensland, der har legal prostitution.
Garden of Truth: The Prostitution and Trafficking of Native Women in Minnesota
Name and shame i Irland. 21 mænd er snuppet for køb af sex.
Statistiker Inge Henningsen: Også prostituerede har krav på retvisende statistik
Cuba follows Sweden to combat prostitution.
Legal brothels linked to international sex trafficking rings. Omfattende trafficking sager i legale bordeller i NSW og Victoria - ejet og drevet af organiserede dybt kriminelle kinesiske og russiske netværk.
Klip fra New Zealandsk tv - om den legale prostitutions lyksagligheder eller hvordan det er gået siden de legaliserede prostitution i 2003.
Ny rapport over kunder: - Men who buy sex with Adolescent Girls: A Scientific Research Study.
En reportage fra Tysk tv. FKKs bliver kontrolleret af østeuropæiske bagmænd, der ikke viger tilbage for at myrde deres modstandere. FKKs er højtbesungne OG benyttet af danske kunder.
Statement fra AWAN - de vil have indført den nordiske model i Canada.
Jackie Lynne fra canadiske Aboriginal Women's Action Network - Stop kunderne, indfør den svenske lov
Tidligere prostituerede og bordelejer Tania Fiolleau fra Canada advarer i udsendelsen Insight Live om konsekvenserne af en legalisering af prostitution. Både de fysiske, psykiske og kriminelle problemer fortsætter i den legale prostitution.
Irland har indledt operation Kerb hvor man går efter kunderne i stedet for de prostituterede. Resultatet har været, at et øget antal prostituerede ønsker hjælp til at komme ud af prostitution. Ruhama, en irsk hjælpeorganisation, kan melde om et stigende antal henvendelser. Det er interessant for det underminerer den voldsomme -undertiden løgnagtige - kampagne Sverige er udsat for.
SFI's nyeste rapport Prostitution i Danmark - udgivet i 2011
Irske læger vil have stoppet køb af sex.
Bagmænd sender rumænske prostituerede til Odense.
United Nations april 2011 - Et vigtigt signal fra UN: "We can end prostitution and trafficking for sexual exploitation now!"
Christina Christensen fortæller om sit liv i prostitution
HIV risk behavior among patients with co-occurring bipolar and substance use disorders: Associations with mania and drug abuse - Bipolar Disorder - en stor forekomst af mænd med bipolar disorder er prostitutionskunder.
Impact of Bipolar Disorder on Girls
Genital Human Papillomavirus
Psysical wellbeing for sex workers - guidelines for prostituerede i Queensland. "It is not uncommon for many sex workers to develop a hygiene obsession, involving excessive rubbing and scrubbing with often harsh soaps." Nøjagtigt det samme ses hos voldtægtsofre.
Please dont legalise prostitution say victims. |
Fra Australien - Migration agents help prostitution rackets.
Hull prostitution cut by police clampdown
The price of Sex - klip fra prisvindende dokumentarfilm af Mimi Chakarova om østeuropæiske kvinder, der bliver handlet til bordeller i Vesten.
"Prostitution and Women's Equality: Imagining More for Women." En gennemgang af situationen i Holland, Tyskland, Australien og Sverige af Gunilla Ekberg ved en debat i Vancouver, Canada i marts 2011.
Marts 2011: Staten Colorado vil forbyde købesex