Brasilien er ved at overhale Thailand som sexturismedestination nr 1. Især børneprostituerede har mange turistkunder - til trods for, at den officielle miniumsalder for prostituerede er 18 år. Der er estimeret 500.000 børn i prostitution i Brasilien.
På 10 år er antallet af børneprostituerede steget fra ca 100.000 til over 500.000 og i 2014, når Brasilien skal være vært for World Cup, frygter man en eksplosion i antallet.
Brazil World Cup: Child sex explosion feared
With World Cup coming, child prostitution expected to rise sharply to meet fan demand
"Despite more than a decade of government vows to eradicate child prostitution, the number of child sex workers in Brazil stood at around half a million in 2012, according to the National Forum for the Prevention of Child Labor, a network of non-profit groups.
That’s a big increase since 2001, when 100,000 children worked in the sex trade, according to UNICEF estimates.
I 2010 lavede BBC en artikel "Brazil sex tourism boom" hvori det fremgår, at børnene er helt ned til 7 - 8 år når de starter som prostituterede.
Helt unge mindreårige piger kommer på behandlingsklinikker med livmoderhalskræft. Livmoderhalskræft opstår blandt andet ved smitte af kønsvorter HPV. Andre kommer ind fordi de er blevet gravide med kunder, der ikke vil bruge kondom.
Fra artiklen:
"The country's erotic reputation has long been attracting an unwanted type of tourist. Every week specialist holiday operators bring in thousands of European singles on charted flights looking for cheap sex. Now Brazil is overtaking Thailand as the world's most popular sex-tourist destination.
Jane Sueli Silva, who founded the centre, says most of the girls are between 12 and 14 when they arrive.
"Many of them arrive here with serious problems like cervical cancer," she says. "As the cancer is normally at only early stage, we can help them and thank God the cure is normally always successful."
Some girls also turn up pregnant, their child fathered by a sex tourist.
The British charity Happy Child International plans to build more centres to house a growing number of child prostitutes.
"The crisis for these children turning to prostitution has increased significantly in the north-east of Brazil over the last few years, fuelled by increasing numbers of foreign tourists who travel to Brazil for sex holidays," says Sarah de Carvalho of Happy Child International. "