
Australien er delt op i flere stater, der ikke deler samme prostitutionslovgivning.

Australian Capital Territory (ACT) har legal prostitution siden 1993. Det er tilladt at drive bordeller.

New South Wales (NSW) har legal prostitution siden 1988 dog med visse regler: Alfonseri er ikke tilladt (undtaget bordelejere!), opfordre til prostitution, benytte lokaler, der er brugt som massage, sauna bade, dampbade og fitnesslokaler til prostitution, annoncere efter prostituerede eller annoncere med bordeldrift, hverve prostituerede i nærhed af skoler, kirker, hospitaler og boliger. Annoncere med analsex er heller ikke tilladt.

Queensland (QLD) har legal prostitution siden 1992 og en regulering af loven i 1999.
Det er tilladt at arbejde på legale bordeller og det er tilladt at drive enkeltpersonsvirksomhed. Alt andet er illegalt.

Northern Territoty (NT)  har ikke legaliseret bordeldrift. Ifølge deres PRA fra 2004 er det muligt, at opnå tilladelse til at drive escortvirksomhed. I NT skal de prostituerede registreres hos politiet. Gadeprostitution er illegal men det er tilladt med enkeltpersons virksomheder.

South Australia (SA): Bordeldrift er illegalt og det er ulovligt at modtage penge for prostitution. Der er fremsat forslag i 2010 om at legalisere prostitution i SA.

Victoria har legaliseret prostitution og bordeldrift siden 1994. Bordeller skal have licens fra lokale myndigheder mens små bordeller (Soobs) kun behøver at være registreret. Det samme gælder for privat escort.  Prostituerede, der arbejder på bordeller med licens behøver ingen registrering.
Gadeprostitution er illegalt.

West Australia (WA) Det er ikke ulovligt i sig selv, at være prostitueret i WA men alt andet i sammenhæng med prostitution er - vel meget lig den danske model. Der er tale om at legalisere bordeldrift i begrænset omfang i 2011.

Med andre ord: Australien har lige fra næsten fuldstændig fri prostitution til den danske model.

Og hvordan går det så i Australien?

En hurtig optælling fortæller, at der er blevet begået mindst 8 mord på prostituerede i Australien siden 2003 fordelt på 5 mord i NSW og 3 mord i Victoria.
Det seneste mord - begået i 2013 på en erfaren gadeprostitueret Tracey Connelly - skete i Melbourne.

Med en enkelt undtagelse, er alle mordene begået indenfor de sidste 5 år  i perioden 2008 - 2013.  Alle mord er begået i australske stater med legal prostitution.

60.000 mænd køber sex hver eneste uge i Australien og derfor trives trafficking industrien ganske glimrende med supply af særligt asiatiske kvinder til de australske bordeller.
"Each week in Victoria, more than 60,000 men buy women in prostitution. Thanks to investigations like those carried out recently by The Age and Four Corners, we know that some of the women they buy have been trafficked.Sex trafficking in Australia should not come as a surprise. Sex industry businesses find a burgeoning market here. According to the business research company IBISWorld, the Australian sex industry has ballooned over the past decade. High growth has forced pimps to forge international supply routes to source their ''product'', which, in the case of the sex industry, is mostly women and children. Asian women in particular are a consumer favourite."

Submission fra Exodus Cry august 2012: “Inquiry into the Exploitation of Women through Trafficking”.

"The Sydney Morning Herald 
reported in May 2012 that plans are underway in Sydney to
build the biggest brothel in Australia, which, if approved, will be opened 24 hours per
day with 61 rooms in operation.

  According to a March 2012 report funded by the Ministry of Health, there are as many as 200 legal brothels within 20 kilometres of Sydney's central business district.
 In 2010 it was reported, based on a government  survey, that in NSW as a whole there were 271 legal brothels and many more illegal brothels.  The number reported was “just the beginning,” as only 56 of NSW's 152 councils responded to the government survey on which the numbers were based. It is not surprising that there are an estimated 10,000 prostituted people working in the sex industry in NSW, putting the state on par with Amsterdam. “Experts say it is far easier to start a brothel than a pub”
 in NSW."

I Victoria har de fundet slaver, der arbejder på de legale bordeller - hvor mange, der arbejder i den illegale del, ved man af gode grunde ikke, men da antallet af illegale bordeller i Victoria langt overstiger de legale, er det ikke urealistisk at antallet af sexslaver i den illegale del af branchen er uhyggelig høj.
Sex slaves in Vic brothels, inquiry told.
"But police admit they do not know the scale of trafficking in Victoria's illegal brothels and cannot say how many illegal brothels there are.
The cloak of anonymity and secrecy surrounding the industry makes it hard for police to investigate, Senior Sergeant Marilynn Ross told the inquiry."

Tasmanien, der hører under Australien, har diskussionen for/mod en legalisering af prostitution på bordet i 2012. Det er bemærkelsesmæssigt, at de ikke bare uden videre kopierer Queensland og Victorias eksempler men har sat en grundig undersøgelse igang - bedre sent end aldrig. Særligt fordi Whistleblowers Tasmania opdagede, at de oplysninger den Tasmanske regering havde om sexindustrien udelukkende var baseret på stærkt propagandistisk materiale fra Scarlett Alliance i Australien, der konsekvent fejlinformerer omkring den svenske/nordiske model.
" Earlier this year the Tasmanian Government called for public submissions to it’s Discussion Paper ‘Regulation of the Sex Industry in Tasmania’.
On reviewing this document Whistleblowers Tasmania were alarmed to find that the information provided was flawed, misleading and biased in particular when describing the Nordic model laws.
The paper went to considerable lengths to criticise the Swedish model without apparently doing any research into the way the Nordic model actually works and has been effective.
The Discussion Paper failed to provide any criticism of NSW, Qld, Victorian or New Zealand Sex Industry legislation and their impacts; All these models have been criticised and there is ample and an ever growing body of evidence that has exposed the problems legalisation approaches in these jurisdictions.
The Tasmanian Government’s discussion paper relied heavily on a report from the Queensland Prostitution Licensing Authority. This report specifically targeted Professor Sheila Jeffreys for criticism and made comments which were not substantiated or put in any context, neither were they relevant. These comments about Prof Jeffreys views were referenced directly from the Scarlet Alliance website. The inclusion of this material in the report would appear to be designed to discredit Professor Jeffreys research entirely and thereby justify the Queensland Government’s policy decisions on the issues."

Endvidere har SA forsøgt at true sine modstandere til tavshed. Sagen er dybt betændt men udtrykker desværre ganske tydeligt, hvilke metoder sexindustrien benytter sig af overfor modstandere.

Læs hele den ubehagelig sag her: Scarlett Alliance Fails in Bid to Gag Professor

10.december 2012 udgav NORMAC - Nordic Model Australia Coalition deres rapport:  The Red Light Report: Towards A Human Rights Approach To Prostitution In Australia 
 "Perhaps those groups that claim to represent the interests of prostitutes – that
claim to be working against the marginalisation of sex workers and the social
discrimination they experience, can answer this question. In what distorted
universe is it acceptable for a working woman to be discriminated against in the
workplace because of her breast size, or the shape of her arse, or her age, or
her weight, or her height, or because she has cellulite on her thighs?
"And, don’t get me started on male and transgender prostitutes. Their work
situation can be even more distressing than that of a female sex worker. When
sex industry advisory sites are giving tips on sex with shit (SCAT) the boundaries
of what reasonably constitutes a regular everyday job have clearly been
Resourcing Health and Education in the Sex Industry (RhED) advises at  - Trade
Tips for Male Sex Workers, as follows:
“You can ALWAYS say ‘NO’ if you do not feel comfortable when a client requests
you use shit during a session. It’s NEVER safe to get shit in your mouth (even
your own shit) or near your urethra. If you are forced or have to eat shit, seek
medical advice immediately afterwards. If the client wants to eat your shit and
you can do it, go ahead. However, do not let him kiss you, give you head, or lick
your ass until he has cleaned up afterwards”
The advice is solid, but an occupation in which a worker could be forced to eat
shit is not a ‘regular job’, and thousands, or indeed, millions of words proclaiming 15
sex work to be a legitimate, freely chosen profession, on a par with schoolteaching, or nursing, can never make it so for the majority of those involved.
Punters can demand whatever they desire, and their demands are becoming
increasingly degrading, and dangerous for sex workers  – they should be
removed from the shadowy recesses of the sex industry and placed firmly in the
spotlight of government attention. Only a Nordic model of legislation can do that."

I rapporten bliver eksempler fra kundesites citeret og det kan konkluderes, at synet på prostituerede kvinder er ens uanset om man er på den ene eller den anden side af jorden.

At sikkerheden heller ikke er blevet bedre på bordellerne kan læses i denne artikel
Brothel owners and workers have been terrorised by a crime wave targeting eight Sydney premises  fra Herald Sun, 11. august 2013, hvori det fremgår, at der indenfor 3 uger har været mindst 8 røverier mod bordeller i Sydney.  Da røverierne blev begået både mod bordeller med og uden ekstra sikkerhed, tyder det på, at et af prostitutionstilhængernes hovedargumenter (at en legaliseret branche og dermed ansættelse af sikkerhedsfolk vil øge sikkerheden) falder til jorden.

"In the attacks, one of the gang enters a brothel to book a sex session, before stepping outside for a cigarette.They then make a phone call to the rest of the gang and are joined by up to three others armed with guns or knives, who follow them back into the premises and rob it.
Police confirmed officers were investigating a number of armed robberies in what brothel managers described as an unprecedented crime spree. But they believe the number of attacks might be even greater because some brothels were reluctant to report crimes."

Ud over det er der herunder  linet nogle få eksempler op på, hvordan det går i nogle af de australske stater.  For at starte med den nyeste:

13. aug. 2012 Sex in the city,  Melbourne har store problemer med illegale bordeller og et helt nyt begreb kaldet mobile bordeller. Konceptet går ud på, at kunden går ind på en privat hjemmeside, Sweetybabe  hvor han kan udvælge en prostitueret og indbetale penge, 350$ . Derefter får han udleveret tid og sted - et hotel - hvor han har ubeskyttet sex med den prostituerede - ja ubeskyttet sex. Problemet med de mobile bordeller er netop at de er mobile.

Et andet problem er at de prostituerede søger væk fra de legale bordeller og ind til de illegale, fordi de kan tjene flere penge. Og fordi kunderne foretrækker de diskrete mere usynlige  illegale bordeller.
One former brothel manager said he knew many Chinese sex workers who quit their jobs in legal brothels to work for the mobile syndicate. He said the women earned more money working for the mobile brothel because the customers, mostly young Chinese students, were prepared to pay more to avoid going to street-front brothels"

Hele historien, 5 sider kan læses her:

10. juli 2012 udgiver Global Post denne grimme historie fra Queensland: Asian sex workers being passed around Australian mining towns, police say.

"Asian sex workers are being shuttled between mining towns in Australia, often against their will, according to local reports citing police.
Most of the sex workers were being exploited by criminal organizations, the police district Inspector of the inland city of Mt Isa, Paul Biggin, told The Australian newspaper.
Business was so good that the young women were being advertised in local newspapers by their handlers in what amounted to forced prostitution."

Project Respect, der udlukkende beskæftiger sig med de legale bordeller i Australien har udgivet sin årsrapport for 2010/11. Fra rapporten Women Matter:

"The number of women using anti-depressants, mood stabilisers, and sleeping tablets

has increased throughout the past year – possibly related to the impact of using the

drug ice, the longer hours/more shifts that women have to do to make satisfactory

money and the increasing violence women are reporting in the brothels. Women say

that clients are becoming increasingly demanding about what acts they want women

to perform in a service, which often leads to arguments and violence."

Omfattende trafficking sager med kvinder importeret fra bla. Kina. Bordellerne, der har legal status, er ejet og drevet af russiske og kinesiske organiserede kriminelle.

Og disse eksempler er bare et par få i en meget stor bunke af sager fra Australien.
Igen dukker spørgsmålet op: Hvorfor er der så massiv illegal prostitution med vold, ubeskyttet sexkøb, handlede kvinder, børneprostitution, voldtægt, horrible arbejdstider og forhold, når der er adgang til legal sexkøb?

Svar: Fordi kunderne køber sex sådanne steder.

Først og fremmest skal myten om, at samfundet vil acceptere prostitution som et normalt job på linie med andre jobs blot man legaliserer branchen, fjernes.
Queensland vil bruge 400.000$ på at hjælpe branchen af med stigmaen, der er forbundet med prostitution og samtidig få de prostituerede til at føle sig bedre tilpas med at prostituere sig. Et eller andet sted er det bare dybt grotesk.
Govt plan to make prostitutes feel better about themselves.
"THE Bligh Government is set to spend $400,000 a year on an advocacy service whose functions will include promoting the positive aspects of prostitution.

The service, due to be up and running next year, may also give away or subsidise safe-sex products to encourage prostitutes to practise safe sex."

""The service should contribute to a more balanced and positive view of sex workers in the general community, assisting to overcome the stigma attached to prostitution," the authority says in its latest newsletter."

Det er ikke lykkes for myndighederne i ACT at regisrere de prostituerede i følge artiklen Sex Trade eyes the suburbs i The Canberra Times - kun 14 ud af mellem 600 - 1000 prostituerede er registreret hos myndighederne. 

Et andet ubehageligt problem,  er korruption i forbindelse med immigration - et problem man troede man kunne slippe af med ved at legalisere prostitutionsbranchen.
"Australian city of Melbourne is once again caught up in yet another scam of migration agents, who are reportedly helping to run illegal prostitution rackets across the city.

Over six migration agents have worked with mostly Asian syndicates running prostitution rackets in Melbourne and Sydney, according to a report published in 'The Age' today."

Guidelines og sikkerhedsregler for prostituerede i Australien.  Udarbejdet af Occupational Health and Safety  (OHS).
Kom lige og snak om normalt arbejde.

 Læs side 25 om sikkerhed på bordellerne
Et udpluk af sikkerhedsreglerne for bordelprostituerede:
" communication skills training as part of employee induction;

· working with employees to develop strategies to eliminate risks;

· developing and documenting procedures to be followed at times when potentially dangerous situations arise. (see example below of steps to include in development of a procedure);

· ensuring all existing and new employees are made aware of these procedures;
· organising training for employees on how to identify potentially dangerous situations and how to protect themselves;

· installing safety devices such as accessible alarm buttons in all rooms, and ensuring that everyone is aware of the procedure to follow if the alarm sounds;"

og fact sheet 8 på side 47 sikkerhedsforanstaltninger:

"· When a client calls, take their name, address and phone number and tell the client you will call them back to take the booking. Call (013) and verify the name matches the name and address given.

· Keep the Ugly Mug Reports from your local sex worker organization on hand to check the client is not on record.

· When calling the client back, the caller should ascertain whether the client is alone.

The caller should explain that the escort will not stay if the client has misrepresented
how many people are there

· Establish clearly with the client that the escort will only provide services that conform  to safer sex practices.

· Receptionists should keep all potentially necessary emergency phone numbers up to date and close to the phone."

Og dette er bare sikkerhedsprosedurerne FØR escorten er taget afsted. Læg lige mærke til det andet punkt på sikkerhedslisten The Ugly Mugglist. Den er universiel i prostitutionsverden uanset om det er på gaden eller indedørs.

Ugly Mugglisten er en liste over de rigtig ubehagelige og voldelige kunder og alle i branchen kender til den men eksistensen af den kommer ikke ud til offentligheden for så bliver det rosenrøde billede af de taknemmelige og glade kunder bare ødelagt.

Fakta: Der er rigtig mange voldelige og brutale overfald i prostitutionsbranchen overalt i verden - uanset hvor meget man forsøger at legalisere sig ud af det.

Fact sheets for sex workers - dealing with difficult clients.  fra Queensland.

"For example, if a client puts his hand on your crutch from the moment you hit the bed but you are sore from the last few clients, you could tell them you really enjoy your breasts being played with. Then you can position yourself with that part of your body out of their reach without it looking obvious"

eller denne - når kunden ikke vil beholde kondomet på:
"These can be done in an erotic way so as not to make the client defensive. You can put in a bit of teasing or the impression of personal satisfaction (we know this can be difficult) when you are checking the condom is still there and in one piece. When the booking is nearly finished, talk to him about how enjoyable it was even with the condom. This might make it a bit easier the next time you see him or for the next sex worker he sees."
eller denne - om fulde kunder:
"Many times, clients arrive with issues that are outside of your control. Drunken clients tend to be argumentative and aggressive, especially when they may not be able to cum or have an erection. Another consequence of alcohol seems to be an ability to lie and not feel any guilt or responsibility at the time.
Getting yourself out once you are in a booking with a drunken client can be done in
many different ways. Most workers have dealt with this at some stage in the game, and everyone has their own way of getting out of it. If you have a chance, ask around and see what other workers have done to minimise this issue."

Checking a Client.

"Even if you use a condom every time a penis enters your mouth, vagina or anus, you can still be exposed to some STIs. Some STIs, especially crabs, herpes and genital warts, can be transmitted from the uncovered genital area. Sometimes condoms break, even when you use plenty of lube and make sure that you put them on properly."

Og denne: Psysical wellbeing for sexworkers.

"It is not uncommon for many sex workers to develop a hygiene obsession, involving excessive rubbing and scrubbing with often harsh soaps. This can lead to many unwanted, unfavourable skin conditions which make working difficult and unpleasant."
Det lugter langt væk af tvangshandlinger. 

University Of Queensland  2010:
Child Trafficking in Australia
Criminals infiltrating legal brothel industry

"ABOUT 20 per cent of Victoria's 95 legal brothels are allegedly controlled by shadowy figures who illegally pay licence holders to let them run their bordellos.
 The names of the licensees still appear on the State Government register of brothel operators, despite having handed effective control of their sex businesses to people keen to avoid the strict probity checks needed to get a brothel licence"

To myrdede kinesiske prostituerede i Sydney

Police baffled by prostitute murder mystery
" In a chilling twist, the day their bodies were discovered, a Sydney pimp who places foreign prostitutes in local brothels was heard boasting about the deaths and using them as leverage.
"Bad things happen to people who upset our people," he boasted."

De kinesiske kvinder kommer blandt andet herfra: "Rise in trafficking of Chinese Women."
Illegal brothels sprouting across Australia


Last week a brothel boom across NSW was revealed with more than 270 legal brothels reported in just a third of the state's council areas. But industry insiders believe illegal brothels are presenting an even greater challenge.

"Many illegal operations generate up to USD 30,000 per day in cash, which is easily laundered through casinos and other gaming facilities," the Daily Telegraph quoted a former ICAC and National Crime Authority organized crime investigator as saying.

Overseas sex workers - particularly from South-East Asia - were being assisted in fraudulently gaining local student visas.

"They then work as prostitutes," the investigator said.

"Some women are held by the brothel until they earn a minimum contract amount - typically for USD 25,000-USD 40,000. The worry is the debt bondage sex workers are often subjected to squalid, unhygienic living and working conditions, with many girls often being forced to live and work within brothels," the investigator said. "

Health fears as Hunter's illegal brothels flourish

"THE Lower Hunter's backyard sex industry is flourishing, with illegal brothels outnumbering licensed operators by up to four to one, lobby groups and counsellors claim.
Legal brothel owners and welfare workers say dozens of rented suburban rooms across the region are being used for illegal sex trade, increasing the risk of sexually transmitted disease.
And yet only one illegal brothel has been closed down in the past two years.
That is despite the State Government passing legislation in late 2007 to make it easier for local councils to act.
The Adult Business Association, which represents the licensed brothel industry, estimates that between 400 and 500 illegal brothels operate in NSW."
I det hele taget er det med de illegale bordeller et rimeligt stort problem i det meste af Australien. Dr Andreas Schloenhardt fra University of Queensland, der har studeret effekten af legalisering af prostitutionsbranchen i Queensland fortæller i rapporten
Happy Birthday brothel.  Ten years of prostitution regulation in Queensland. om de problemer der er opstået i kølvandet med deres vedtagelse af Prostitution Licensing Authority (PLA).  Han retter en meget kraftig kritik mod PLA-loven:
In addition to the stated objectives, prostitution regulation contributes directly and indirectly to a number of other purposes that require brief examination. Moreover, a number of issues are missing from the stated goals and may have been deliberately overlooked in Queensland‘s prostitution reform.

There is, for example, no specific mention anywhere in the legislative material of the link between the sex industry and trafficking in persons, and the role and status of foreign sex workers in Queensland‘s brothels.
Foreigners are particularly vulnerable to sexual exploitation and recent police investigations confirm that the trafficking of persons, especially women, remains a problem that is equally associated with legal and illegal brothels around Australia. On the surface, it appears that foreign sex workers benefit equally from those
measures introduced to enhance the physical safety, hygiene, and health of sex workers."

"Of particular concern to persons working in the sex industry and also to their customers is the risk of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Illegal brothels and other forms of illicit and unregulated sex work are particularly conducive to unsafe sexual practices, thus risking the spread of diseases such as HIV, gonorrhoea, syphilis and the like."

I Queensland har de illegale bordeller overhalet de legale - ifølge Schloenhardt:
 "The current regulatory regime, however, leaves most aspects of prostitution in Queensland unaddressed. Several sources confirm that licensed brothels constitute only 10% of the state‘s prostitution industry." 
Med andre ord: 9/10 er illegale.

Dette billede går igen i hele Australien. Den illegale sektor har overhalet den legale.
Da de forskellige stater i Australien samtidig har forskellige lovgivninger omkring prostitutionsområdet, har ingen i realiteten nogen kontrol med branchen overordnet set. Det betyder, at den australske prostitutionsbranche kan fungere som den europæiske i EU-regi, over grænserne uden nogen form for kontrol. Nøjagtig som menneskehandlerne i EU.

"There is also little to no knowledge on the existence of the national sex industry in
Queensland. The issue of prostitution is looked at exclusively at a state level. There is, to date, no coordination at operational and policy levels across Australia. The regulation systems in different states and territories across Australia are worlds apart. However, there is ample evidence showing that some people operate brothels in more than one state and that many sex workers move or are moved between different states. The lack of any coordination and collaboration at the federal or intra-state levels significantly hampers control and enforcement efforts."

Legaliseringen i Victoria bragte også et par uventede problemer med sig:

" The Age, 28 Feb, 1999). Her study of the impact of legalisation on the conditions of exploitation faced by prostituted women found “The worst thing was the clients. The arrogance, the smelliness, the violence, the demands. One in five clients still request unsafe sex.”
Legalisation has not improved the conditions in which prostituted women are sexually exploited according to Jocelyn Snow of the Prostitutes Collective of Victoria
Sydney police free sex captives

Australian police say they have broken up an international sex-trafficking ring after rescuing 10 South Korean women from Sydney brothels.
Police said the women were lured to Australia and forced to work up to 20 hours a day in legal Sydney brothels. "

Læg mærke til, at det var et legalt bordel.

Between the Sheets
7 siders kritisk gennemgang af prostitutionsbranchen i Queensland.

På s. 6:
The Australian Institute of Family Studies found that sex workers are at a higher risk of cervical cancer.
Another danger faced by sex workers is violence inflicted by brothel owners, co-workers, or clients. While there are precautionary measures to deter violence in legal brothels such as video surveillance, unlocked doors, security guards, and panic buttons, these cannot prevent violence entirely.
“Just because there are panic buttons doesn’t mean you are safe. A client could knock you out, rape, hurt, or kill you, then leave via the back exit of the brothel, and the manager wouldn’t know anything had happened until you were running over time and realises you aren’t out of your room yet,” says Lisa."

 Så sidder man og undrer sig over, at det er nødvendig med så mange sikkerhedsforanstaltninger for at sælge sex. Hvilket klientel kræver så meget beskyttelse? Kan det virkelig have sin rigtighed, at salg af sex kræver alarmknapper, vagter, video-overvågning og ulåselige døre. På visse bordeller bruger man heller ikke hovedpuder, da de kan bruges som våben til at kvæle den prostituerede med.
Hvorfor skal samfundet med vold og magt tvinges til at acceptere, at mænd med sådan et sygt kvindesyn skal have fri og lovlig adgang til købesex. Hvorfor skal verden indrettes efter deres syn på kvinder som en vare man kan vælge og vrage imellem på bordellerne og på gaden. Det ovennævnte er fra Australien men samme bordelpraksis bliver også brugt i Holland og Schweiz.
No happy endings for councils in fight against brothels
"One of those has recently been operating in this residential apartment tower in Sergeants Lane, St Leonards, where an illegal brothel hides among apartments worth up to $2 million. Others have used a false cloak of legitimacy as a means of disguising illegal brothel activities.
Chris Seage, who runs consulting firm Brothel Busters, which investigates illegal brothels on behalf of councils and the legal brothel industry, said: "Illegal brothels are everywhere. They are creeping into residential units, and they're masquerading as health, beauty and therapeutic massage businesses."
New Queensland prostitution laws questioned


The Bligh Government has rushed "panicked prostitution law reform" through Parliament after "exposure of the explosion of illegal prostitution", said Opposition member Steve Dickson yesterday.
"Research by the University of Queensland's Professor Andreas Schloenhardt and others has found that only 10 per cent of Queensland sex workers operate in legal brothels, which confirms what many have been saying for some time - that our laws aren't working ... State laws are driving more and more sex workers onto our streets," he said."
Prostitution to be banned from suburbs under tough new laws
Calls to ban brothels in Australia's 'Bible belt'
Several Melbourne Brothels Smashed
"FOUR people have been arrested following raids on illegal brothels across Melbourne.Police say a continuing investigation had focused on bribery and human trafficking offences linked to unlicensed prostitution.Fifteen properties were searched today as police from Victoria and both state and federal agencies seized bundles of cash and several computers."

I rapporten "Selling Sex; Regulating Prostitution in Queensland"  lavet på foranledning af Prostitution Licensing Authorities i Queensland er der flere eksempler på, at loven ikke virker.

Two face sex slavery charges

"Melbourne, Australia - Two men appeared in an Australian court on Friday charged with sex slavery offences related to an alleged transnational syndicate exploiting women from Thailand, Korea and Hong Kong, court officials said. "