Bericht der bundesregierung zu den Auswirkungen des Gesetzes zur Regelung der Rechtsverhältnisse der Prostituierten, 2007,property=pdf,bereich=bmfsfj,sprache=de,rwb=true.pdf
Lebenssituation sicherheit und geusndheit von frauen in Deutschland. 2004.,property=pdf,bereich=bmfsfj,sprache=de,rwb=true.pdf
Anita Bharos, maj 2009
Dutch policy on human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation
"Some of the young girls and women were recruited from Eastern Europe and others were already working, voluntarily, in the prostitution sector. By using excessive violence, threat and coercion, the criminal duo established a group of around 50 pimps, bodyguards and other aides around them who controlled the women 24/7.
The women were taken from one place to another so they were not able to bond with clients or with other women. The women led an isolated life and were forced to “work” even when they were ill.
Some of the women had the initials of one of the brothers tattooed in their neck. Others were forced to get breast enlargements. Several of the women had an abortion during the period there were held by the gang.
The trial revealed how the two brothers and their gang first romanced the women with gifts and attention to then force them into prostitution. Their personal documents were taken from the women and they were threatened not to go to the police."
Press for Change
“I would need to artifi cially lubricate my vagina because it was dry and painful. Some men would getaggressive, especially if they were drunk. Somehow I threatened their maleness.”4“The sex was always horrible – the worst thing was having to pretend I was enjoying it – the best wasthat, on average, it took them about two and a half minutes!”5Now compare these words with those of customers:“Those girls get more out of it than I do! They’re paid, and they get a bloody good seeing to into the bargain.”“Do I think they enjoy it? Of course they do, well they wouldn’t be doing it if they didn’t get something from it.”6
Big Brothel - A survey of The off-street sex industry in London.
The Poppy Project. August 2008 af Julie Bindel og Helen Atkins
921 bordeller er med i denne undersøgelse fra 2008.
Gadeprostitution og stofmisbrug
En dansk undersøgelse af narkoprostituerede.
Treatment for Substance Use Disorders
fra 2008
"Women typically report exposure to multiple traumatic events, with as many as half meeting diagnostic criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder. Clients and pimps appear to be the main source of violence; participants report patterns of domination and control analogous to violent intimate partner relationships. 19.20 Not surprisingly, women involved in prostitution report an increased incidence of depression, 4 as many as 74% report lifetime suicidal ideation, 6 and 53% have attempted suicide. 2,4"
Engelsk undersøgelse fra 2000 - 240 prostituerede indgår.
Violence by clients towards female prostitutes in different work settings; questionnaire survey - Church et al.
=10.4, df=1, P<0 .0012=".0012" em="em">0>
"The table shows that prostitutes working outdoors were younger, involved in prostitution at an earlier age, reported more illegal drug use, and experienced significantly more violence from their clients than those working indoors (81% (93 of 115) v 48% (60 of 125), χ2=29.2, df=1, P<0 .0001=".0001" 18="18" 34="34" 60="60" 93="93" age="age" and="and" associated="associated" attempted="attempted" began="began" being="being" by="by" cited="cited" city="city" clients="clients" drug="drug" duration="duration" edinburgh.="edinburgh." experienced="experienced" frequently="frequently" glasgow="glasgow" had="had" have="have" higher="higher" in="in" indoors="indoors" it="it" kicked="kicked" levels="levels" likely="likely" logistic="logistic" more="more" most="most" multiple="multiple" of="of" often="often" only="only" or="or" outdoors="outdoors" police="police" prostitutes="prostitutes" prostitution.="prostitution." punched="punched" rape.="rape." rather="rather" recent="recent" regression="regression" reported="reported" showed="showed" six="six" slapped="slapped" sup="sup" than="than" that="that" the="the" this="this" those="those" times="times" to="to" use="use" v="v" violence="violence" was="was" were="were" whereas="whereas" who="who" with="with" women="women" working="working">20>
Ny rapport fra 2009
Shifting Sands: A Comparison Of Prostitution Regimes Across Nine Countries.
Af Liz Kelly, Maddy Coy og Rebecca Davenport, London Metropolitan University
Australien, Finland, Tyskland, Irland, Holland, New Zealand, Spanien, Sydafrika og Sverige deltager i denne undersøgelse, der grundigt gennemgår og sammenligner de ni lande.
For the Industry of Prostitution : A Victory Disguised as a Defeat
"Meanwhile, some will continue demonizing the abolitionist movement by claiming that it is the laws on prostitution, the police services and the feminists that are responsible for the murders of prostituted persons, and not some men to whom the message is more and more clearly sent that women are sexual objects which they can buy, beat, torture, rape, and get rid of the way they want. From there to killing them, there is only a step which some do not hesitate to cross.
This twisted logic totally denies the fact that violence is growing in all the countries which decriminalized prostitution when women and children were delivered, with complete impunity, to prostituters and pimps, transformed by the law into mere consumers and salesmen of "services". For those who refuse to turn a blind eye, the experiences in the Netherlands, Australia, New Zealand and other countries, prove that legalization, regulation or total decriminalization have resulted in the increase of the prostitution of children and adults, and of trafficking (6)."
'It's abuse and a life of hell'
Roger Matthews, professor of criminology at London's South Bank University fortæller i denn artikel i The Guardian om prostitution. Artiklen er skrevet af Julie Bindel i 2008.
"Matthews completely disagrees with the notion of legalisation. Instead, he says, the punters should be deterred from buying sex, women in prostitution should be decriminalised, and a radical welfare strategy should be put in place to help them out of the trade. "You can't remove the abuse and coercion from prostitution, whether legal or not," he says, so "the answer is to clamp down on the punters, while helping the women to get out and stay out."
PRO senter Oslos udgivelse i 2009
Ny virkelighet - nye muligheter?
Se siderne 12 - 17.
New Zealands PRA Committees rapport fra 2008.
Report of the Prostitution Law Reform Committee on the Operation of the Prostitution Reform Act 2003.
Fra en anden rapport fra PRA Committee om gadeprostituerede i New Zealand fra 2009: Streetbased Sex Workers
I den kan læses, at reformen intet har ændret med hensyn til vold og voldtægt begået mod de gadeprostituerede.
"The CSOM study found that street-based sex workers are significantly more likely than other sex workers to have experienced violence, threats of violence, to have been raped, had money stolen from them or been held somewhere against their will. Clients are the usual perpetrators of offences against street-based workers."
Hollandske politirapport fra 2008 om prostitutionsbranchen
Schone Schijn - de signalering van mensenhandel in de vergunde prostitutiesector.
Den er på hollandsk men ved hjælp af Google oversætteren kan man få en lille ide om, hvor slemt det står til i den Hollandske prostitutionsbranche.
Tampeps rapport om Tyskland 2007
Germany National Report on HIV and Sex Work
"Violence - There has been an increase in violence against national and migrant sex workers.
Victims include undocumented migrant sex workers, sex workers who refused to comply with some of the client’s wishes (such as unprotected sex), drug users, and migrants who speak little German. An increase in psychological violence against sex workers was also observed, through cases of debt bondage, residence and working permit issues, etc."
Fra det tyske ministerie for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens Women and Youth.“Health, Well-Being and Personal Safety of Women in Germany”
Se skemaet side 23 og tekst siderne 24 og 25.
Fra samme tyske ministerium 2007:
Bericht zu den Auswirkungen des Gesetzes zur Regelung der Rechtsverhältnisse der Prostituierten
Gewalt gegen Prostituierte toleriert
Mindreårige tvunget ud i prostitution i Tyskland.
Sex workers and sexual assault in AustraliaAustralsk undersøgelse fra 2008 lavet af Senior Research Officer
Dr Antonia Quadara, Australian Centre for the Study of Sexual Assault at the Australian Institute of Family Studies
" It is argued that ‘sex worker’ neutralises the violence, abuse and coercion involved in the sex industry, assumes that women can make informed and free choices in a world characterised by male oppression, and legitimises men’s right to ‘buy’ women (Jeffreys, 1996; Raymond, 1998; Sullivan, M., 2007)."(...)
"The danger of car jobs has already been mentioned. Escort workers are also isolated in that they must attend a booking on the client’s terms—either their home or a hotel.
Treleavan (1995) noted that the escort industry did have a “very high rate of sexual assault and rape, even murder. Sex workers’ rights groups receive much anecdotal evidence of workers being assaulted and abused by clients and having to run naked through public places, such as hotel lobbies, across roof tops and over balconies, in order to escape withtheir lives” (1995, p. 300).Organisations spoke of instances when an escort worker may step into a booking to discover there are four clients, not just the one who made the call. A scenario such as this has the potential to become extremely violent."
Monash University 2009 - Working in Victorian brothels.An independent report commissioned by Consumer Affairs Victoria into the Victorian brothel sector.
Læs især kapitlerne 6.6.2 - 6.6.3 og 6.6.4.Kvindehandel med kinesiske, thailandske og koreanske kvinder, låst inde på bordellerne. Ingen kontrol med, hvad der foregår - ingen kontakt til disse kvinder. Ubeskyttet sexkøb. Stor udskiftning af kvinderne på bordellerne.
Dr Schloenhardt, The University of Queensland.
Schloenhardt har i flere kritiske undersøgelser og rapporter skarpt kritiseret hele branchen og lovgivningen for den manglende kontrol. I følge hans vurdering er kun 1/10 af branchen legal - resten 9/10 er illegal og udenfor kontrol, hvilket understøttes af flere artikler og undersøgelser, bla. Monash Universitys, der er linket til andetsted her på siden.
Schloenhardt har også i 2009 udgivet rapporten
Happy Birthday Brothels. Ten Years Of Prostitution Regulation in Queensland.